Wednesday, June 2, 2021

My Diet Without Diet 🍵🥗

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Hello, today I want to tell you about my own food pyramid 😉

First of all I want to thank you for the opportunity to participate in this initiative of @naturalmedicine.

If you would like to participate you can read their post here

Likewise, I am infinitely grateful to @holisticmom for being my sponsor for this post. May God return it to you a thousand percent. 🤗🌹

When I see the food pyramid, I remember when drawn in my school days, it was a triangle where all the foods were distributed from the bottom to the top. At that time of my childhood I did not understand much about this pyramid, I repeated like a parrot what the teacher taught me. Then in high school I understood that some foods should be eaten in greater proportion than others.

From that time to this part, a lot has changed in the way I look at food and what it can do to my body. For a while I suffered from allergies and I took medicines, anti-allergic medicines, that calmed my symptoms but did not give me answers to the causes, besides those medicines made me very sleepy. So there were times when I would ask for permission in class and go home to sleep. 🙈🙈

Since allopathic medicine did not give me answers I went to non-conventional medicine, such as homeopathy and natural medicine. There I discovered that I was allergic to wheat, so foods like bread, pasta and anything with wheat in it, make me sensitive to allergies. Later I also discovered that lactose hurt me, so milk and its derivatives were not good for me.

There was a time when I sold natural health products, so I had the need to learn about foods and their properties. All this helped me understand foods and how they could help my body and its allergies.

Although I don't believe in diets. I do believe that if you know something is hurting you, the best thing to do is to avoid it. That's just being wise. 😉

That's my diet not diet 💖

I'm going to tell you something, although I have studied a lot about food for wanting to help myself and also to better sell my products and speak properly, that's far from me being an expert nor having credentials to say that you should eat something or not.

That said, I continue with my diet.

I love to eat 😋, I've said it before and who doesn't? 😄

In my studies I discovered the importance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats for my body, I just need to make a balance in their consumption.

are very important in our life, as they are responsible for many processes in our body. They are like building blocks that are necessary for every process in the body.

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And why proteins?

We find protein in meat, eggs, grains and cereals in greater or lesser proportions and dairy.

I eat various grains almost all the time, lentils, beans, beans, beans, etc., eggs are never missing in my diet, at least for breakfast. I vary with chicken, meat and fish. I accompany everything with cereals and raw and cooked vegetables, salads are part of my life 😋 and dressed with lemon and salt, when that's all there is, they are good. Oatmeal I can eat it as atol, a hot or cold drink; also rice and flaxseed. Both flaxseed and oats I can cook it as atol or I add it raw to arepas dough.(post of these enriched arepas another time 😋).

I eat for dairy I consume it from time to time, but I already told you that they are not good for my body, for example I like cheeses, hard, creamy, aged, but I know I should not abuse 🙈. Milk as such I don't consume it almost, because it hurts me a lot.

So what I'm telling you is that eating protein is super healthy and you have to always pair it with carbohydrates.

If proteins are necessary for many processes in the body, carbohydrates are the fuel, the casoline for all that to happen. if they're not in your diet, then the body will start to seek them out and pull them out of your muscles, how about that? So make sure you eat them.

Where do you get carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates you get them in sugar, but preferably the best ones are the natural ones like that of fruits and some vegetables. Carbohydrates are in potatoes, bread, pasta and in the fibers that are in abundance in vegetables and better if they are raw.

So I usually eat some arepas and fill them with scrambled eggs. Vegetables, ground meat or mechada.I can also accompany a roast or a steak with mashed potatoes and that's a good meal. That way I combine protein + carbohydrate.

The fats
is another important food. Although some people shy away from them, they are not so bad if you know how to consume them properly.

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Why consume fats?

Those people who shy away from fats because they do not want to get fat, have no qualms about eating large amounts of bread or cakes and sweets... Still the excess is converted by the body into fats, and they still get fat. 🤷🏻♀️

I don't live on weight, I've kept it in check. I was once 10 kg overweight, so I put my hands to work and started lowering the portions I served myself at each meal. But I didn't stop eating what I liked but I did it smarter 😉 At one time I read the weight loss theory of dr. Jakubowicz and from there I took something interesting and adopted it for myself, and that is that cakes, pizzas and hamburgers could be eaten in the mornings instead of eating them at night so that the body has a chance to process the excess carbohydrates and fats.

I love olive oil to dress my salads 😋 I also use it for sautéing but I do not do it much, I also use it as a cosmetic, it is good for the skin of the face and body, but this is the subject of another post 🤭.

Unfortunately due to the high cost of living in my country, it is not so easy to get this oil, as it is one of the most expensive. Another excellent oil for health is Canola oil but it is equally expensive and scarce now.

So I essentially use a basic soybean oil 🙈, for salad dressings or for some bread and cake recipes. What I always keep in mind is to measure its consumption to a minimum.

As I told you at the beginning, in my time as a saleswoman of natural health products, it was necessary to study the power of food for the body and there I discovered the importance of fats for the body. Among the fats there is something called Omega fatty acids (3, 6, 9), they are super special for our body and especially for our brain.

Since I became aware of them, I try to consume foods that provide me with them. Among these is the avocado, a fruit that fascinates me, alone, in salads, in creams, in mole. And currently we are harvesting, so its price is more accessible and there are also friends who have a bush in their backyard, so I eat it whenever I can at this time.

Sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds are good sources of omegas. I grab and roast them, give them a dash of salt and can store them in little bags for when I want to eat them or put them in my purse.

Other fats are butter, but not margarine, just to use in bread recipes, cakes but not to eat daily. A naturopath friend told me that margarine was painted plastic, I really don't know, but that's why I stopped consuming it.

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What else can I consume to be well?

Every eating routine needs other additives.

First one of these is the consumption of natural water preferably. We are composed of 75% water, so it is logical that its consumption is important for all processes and maintain a water balance in the body.

To help your digestion it is best to drink hot and not cold beverages. Examples of these are: tea, coffee, beer or wine.

Another way to consume the vital liquid are teas. There are many options: I drink malojillo, pennyroyal, hibiscus rose, ginger, guava leaves, oregano leaves, spices such as cinnamon, sweet and star anise. I make combinations of them according to what I want to achieve and I sweeten it with honey (if there is any), sugar, papelón, I can add a few drops of lemon, etc. Actually, there are many options when it comes to tea. Studying the properties of plants and spices we can make various combinations.

Another trick learned in life is that breathing is super important. It happens that sometimes we forget how it is to breathe well, that is why daily we can dedicate about 10 minutes in the morning and at night to sit in a comfortable place and make breaths counting to 5 while you breathe in, then retain in 3 and exhale in 7. The 10 minutes can be extended to 15 or 20 minutes as you gain experience. During this time you can also do prayer if you believe in someone Higher, a god.

Also exercise, is part of these life routines. Walking, jogging or some other type of exercise.

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What foods do I not eat?

There are foods that we should never eat or at least eat them very sporadically.

One of them are sausages, such as sausages, salami, bologna, hams. Who doesn't like a pizza, hot dogs, etc., but when we abuse their consumption they will simply hurt us.

Sausages are highly harmful because in their manufacturing process high amounts of salt are added and to disguise the salt, sugars are also added in large quantities. They also contain chemicals to maintain their preservation and to make them look pleasant in smell and color. All these components simply harm the organism. We must accept it as such and avoid consuming them.

I would be lying to you if I say that I never consume it, because I do 🙈. I only try to make it an occasional thing, like when I'm invited for a meal, but I never make it a common thing.

Soda is another harmful product, because the amount of sugar it contains far exceeds what we should consume in a day. Carbonated water progressively undermines the digestive system. They also contain salt and other chemicals whose combination produces decalcification, dehydration and other things. I can tell you that I don't drink soda for a long time, thank God 🙏🏼. I learned to drink more natural juices and discovered the value for life that teas have. (This will be the subject of another post 😉).

And this is all?

I have told you about what I have learned and practice in my daily life. Nothing else. I feel good and am in good health at 58 years old.

As I like to say My best diet is to love and forgive 🤗💖.

And this is the last thing I want to leave you with.

Every healthy lifestyle and diet has to have large amounts of sharing with loved ones. Indeed with this pandemic we have seen how important and necessary this is.

Learn to let go, don't pretend to dominate or be in control of everything. Let your children grow and spread their wings. Allow your wife or husband to be truly who he or she is and don't want to change him or her, this is love.

And above all, dole out forgiveness hand over fist and your joints will thank you for it. 🤗💖

And if you made it to the end of this never-ending post, I thank you for coming and commenting 💖🌹

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My native language is Spanish so use online to translate to English.

The poster and images in the post are edited in IbisPaint X app on my tlf.

I took from several free images.

The dividers are made by my friend @eve66 and are free for the whole hive community. You can visit her profile and find her image posts.

Image source:

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Fuente - Fuente

Originally posted here:

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