Saturday, June 19, 2021

London is building mass death chambers!

The fact that there is no wild or lab leaked virus is the most positive thing to speak about right now but sadly it's becoming too late as more and more inject themselves with the va××/bio weapon which is putting everyone at risk.


So reading the UK government website it looks like they will soon be building death chambers to deal with the mass death from the bio weapon aka covid-19 vaccine.


And then there is this statement put out by uk government stating they planned on the vaccinated suffering and dying but they are blaming the healthy kids and those with natural innate adaptive immune systems "those not vaccinated"?


If the above statement is true then why would anyone choose to get vaccinated? If the non-vaccinated and children survive without being hospitalized, surely the most life saving thing to do would not get vaccinated?

We should consider that the vaccine simply does now work if only the vaccinated will get sick and die right? Those people who do not vaccinate have strong innate healthy adaptive immune systems that seem to be protecting them from death much better.

One doctor spoke about agitated denial of just how dangerous the vaccinated people were to the unvaccinated a complete opposite of what the government statement said yet it seems more logical as the vaccinated people would be the ones suffering dying in larger numbers.

part 1

part 2
Original source link here

That's sadly the state millions are in right now as they realise that the eugenics movement, extinction rebellion and the agenda 21/30 sustainable development planners have all been working together to depopulate the human race by the billions. Many now support this movement because of the false idea of man made climate change. This is an old nazi agenda that has wormed itself into all aspects of society.




Originally posted here:

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