Friday, June 25, 2021

Ikigai the reason of your life
Hello Natural Medicine community as in other opportunities I share with you things that I learn every day and that I think may be of interest to all who read me, in their daily lives and in their homes.

This week as part of my training activities in my sweet project @majopanques, from the point of view of brand identification and content, I was instructed to make my IKIGAI, I had never heard that word before so I decided to investigate a little bit.

It turns out that it is a concept coined in Japan, dating back to the year 794 of the Japanese Heian period. It roughly translates to "your reason for being" or "the reason you get up every day". It sums up what you have to conjugate after a long inner journey: what you love, what you are good at, what you would be paid for, what the world needs from you. If we manage to recognize and understand these four pillars, it seems that we will have a harmonious, fruitful and peaceful life.


What struck me about this is that although it resembles theories of personal wellbeing that we have always heard, this concept has already gone beyond the theoretical barrier to be applied and proven effective in the Japanese city of Okinawa. There, 60% of the population is over 100 years old, making it one of the longest-lived populations on the planet. According to several studies that I consulted to know about the subject, there almost all the inhabitants have found their ikigai, stating that when you find the north of life and why you are in this world, everything else becomes more fluid because you are already fully aware of what you should do for your well-being.

They start from the fact that if you love what you do and you are good at it, you will earn money for doing what you love and you will give back to the world what it needs from you. You will be fulfilled. In addition to that, they eat healthy foods grown on the island, little dairy and little sugar, stay physically active well into old age, and there is no retirement. I also found it fascinating that they have shown that working on common projects with neighbors and friends creates bonds that benefit everyone, and this ongoing activity in nearby gardens and fields keeps them active.


It also keeps them active to know that the older ones are not rejected by their family or society, they are useful in their homes helping as much as they can and that feeling of sharing in family prolongs their existence in a healthy way. This way of life is encouraged from an early age to the children who are already educated in this ancestral belief, as a north. According to what they explained to me, this ikigai model is applied to work and marketing areas, not only for the personal sphere.

I found it very interesting that this ancestral custom transmitted from elders to children, and based on tastes, talents, social retribution, as well as on the bonds of friendship and family, good nutrition and physical exercise, has achieved countless happy people in this community, capable of sustaining themselves economically in harmony with their environment and their world, enjoying it healthily.

I believe we should take these positive examples for ourselves and apply them to live many years in peace, health and harmony with ourselves and the world around us.

Originally posted here:

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