Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Besides As Foodstuffs, Pandan Leaves Are Very Useful For Health.


Besides As Foodstuffs, Pandan Leaves Are Very Useful For Health.

Pandan leaf is a native plant from Indonesia, this plant is often found in the yard of the house, has a distinctive aroma, pandan leaves are widely used as a mixture for food and drinks with the aim of providing a variety of tempting aromas and flavors.

Pandan leaves have various health benefits if we are diligent in consuming them every day. How to consume it also by drinking boiled water pandan leaves. Not many people know, it turns out that by diligently consuming these drinks we can get many good benefits for the body.

Having the Latin name Pandanus amaryllifolius, it turns out that this plant is very beneficial for human health, about the benefits of pandan leaves for health circulating in the community, one of which pandan leaves are often used as pain relievers, gout and rheumatism.


Contains active compounds that are antioxidants and inhibit enzymes, xanthine, oxidase so that it can reduce uric acid levels. In addition, pandan leaves are also analgesic or antinociceptive or anti-pain as well as anti-inflammatory, so that pain that occurs due to increased uric acid levels or due to rheumatism can be reduced or overcome.

Having high blood pressure of course must be good at regulating diet, this is because if blood pressure is not achieved properly it can cause serious illness and cause death.

Consuming pandan leaves can lower blood pressure, pandan leaves contain an active compound called phenolic acid. This phenolic acid is able to reduce peripheral resistance of blood vessels and reduce cardiac output, this has been proven, besides that pandan leaves also reduce triglycerides and increase good cholesterol, namely HDL cholesterol, so that it will indirectly reduce the risk of heart disease.


Hearing the word cancer will certainly be imagined with death, one way to prevent it is to eat healthy foods and also exercise regularly. In addition, you can also consume pandan leaf decoction because consuming pandan leaves can help prevent cancer. This is because pandan leaves contain flavonoid compounds that are antioxidants and also anticancer, so they can prevent cancer and inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

This has been proven in experiments where pandan leaves can inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, besides when insomnia comes, it is certainly very disturbing because sleep is a way to rest the body after a day of activities.


Consuming pandan leaves can help overcome insomnia, this is because pandan leaves contain alkaloid compounds that are calming nerves and reduce anxiety levels, so we fall asleep easier. Pandan leaf decoction is good for diabetics, because pandan leaves contain antioxidant compounds, including flavonoids.

These substances are lowering blood sugar levels, including lowering blood sugar levels after eating and increasing insulin secretion so that blood sugar levels can be normalized.

By inhibiting the alpha glucosidase enzyme, that's how it works than pandan leaves, it is important to always maintain the body's immunity so that you are always fit and avoid exposure to viruses and bacteria. Consuming a decoction of pandan leaves can increase the body's immunity, because pandan leaves contain phenolic acid compounds including ferulic acid which increases the immune response of our body's immune cells, and it is also good if consumed together with meniran so that the activity of phagocytic cells will increase. more increased.

So that there is no mistake in using pandan leaves, let's first look at the following tips.

So to make a simple pandan leaf concoction by boiling, so we can take about three pandan leaves that are quite ripe, then after we take these three sheets we wash. After washing, we can immediately slice it, then first we boil four cups of water, after boiling we add the washed and sliced ​​pandan leaves.

Let's boil it, boil it from the lid of the pot and boil it until the water really boils, after it can really be consumed, just serve it. So we can consume the water if for the purpose of stabilizing or lowering blood sugar levels, don't add sugar to this mixture, but if this ingredient is intended for other purposes, for example to make it easier to sleep, we can add rock sugar or palm sugar and coconut sugar.


This pandan leaf decoction is better indeed to be drunk without sugar, we can drink 1-2 times a day depending on our needs, if when for example we want to relieve joint pain due to acid or rheumatism, we can consume a maximum of three times per day. a day. Three cups or glasses are drunk before eating, if we take medicine from our doctor, we give it a distance of about two hours, with standard medicine from a doctor this pandan leaf herb is relatively safe for children, to the elderly, pregnant and lactating women.

Although it is rich in benefits, you should not consume excessive pandan, consuming large amounts of pandan leaves can trigger diarrhea. Hopefully this article is useful for all of us.

Originally posted here:

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