Thursday, June 24, 2021

Medical Oppression & The Big Four


Events have evolved rapidly since 2020.

The causal factors that led to the tyrannical mess we face these days are manifold. They are interconnected, and increasingly so. To understand how we got here from a medical perspective, in some of my future posts, we will travel back in history and observe how everything took a fateful path to get to a point where our entire civilization is undoubtedly past a critical breaking point and on the verge of total collapse.

There has always been scientific and popular opposition to the cult's underlying medical procedures that push for forced vaccination, genetic experimentation, population control, and ultimately unrestricted global governance. Therefore, a particular science that fundamentally challenges the status quo of prevailing medical doctrine has been removed from the public consciousness by the rabid propaganda machinery of the ruling class.

The oppressed science I refer to is evidence-based, promotes self-empowerment and conscious living, rather than a lifetime of pharmaceutical dependency on the one hand and egocentric careerism coupled with detached arrogance in the ranks of Big Pharma and medical establishment supporters on the other.

Unfortunately, the primarily profit-oriented pharmaceutical industry consistently acts at the expense of the unsuspecting but immensely suffering population. The USA, in particular, has always been a prime example of this rampant dynamic, with its glaring mortality rate from prescription drugs—a weighty criterion why this nation has by far the most so-called 'COVID deaths' in the world.

Quite contrary to the dominant medical view and the Hippocratic Oath that every practicing physician must take, it is, in fact, those drugs, treatments, or preventatives that have a significant role in the spread of diseases and epidemics, whether they contribute to those or directly cause them. This sweeping statement is no longer a mere assumption but a proven fact, backed by reliable data and statistics.

Data that are vehemently suppressed by lobby legislators, cartel-funded universities and research, peer-reviewed medical journals, and Big Pharma-sponsored media outlets.

Ironically, some of these 'wonderful' achievements of modern medicine are even mandatory by lobby-friendly laws. Basic human rights mean nothing to these exclusive cartels, their frontmen, and cronies. The push to coerce the world's population into unethical mass vaccinations and 'gene therapies' with toxic preparations through emergency authorization, bringing about potentially disastrous health consequences, deep social dislocation, accompanied by unprecedented economic self-destruction, is just another milestone in the global agenda behind a sinister plan, which has nothing to do with science, safety or whatsoever—but is about total control of every genome that exists.

The driving forces behind the institutionalization of illegitimate medical practices that contributed to the disempowering emergency laws of these days are the vested interests of the financial power elites and their illustrious global networks. The result is unbridled oppression coupled with the immeasurable suffering and loss of countless human lives, not to mention the mistreated and tortured lab animals that had to be sacrificed on the altar of scientism for over a century and the hysteria-driven culling of countless flocks.

These very real medical crimes were and are once again about to be erased from the history books. Only in this case, though not for the first time in history, the chosen subjects of this macabre mass spectacle prefer to walk on two legs.

As we can see, modern technocratic tyrants seamlessly follow the insidious path—unleashing unprecedented aggression of pervasive propaganda, censorship of dissent, and crude authoritarianism as they ceaselessly collaborate in the digital, physical, and biological realms; merging the private and public sectors in their global partnerships, health alliances, and through the infamous WHO, to create a 'healthy environment' for vaccine manufacturers, gene platforms, and perpetual emergency states.

Thus, the germ story serves merely as a means to an end to advance their global agenda. Especially the virus image is key and therefore holy.

As we should all know, the goal is total control over a fully appropriated and brainwashed population and the shaping of all organic and synthetically created life.

Their will demands to be omnipotent.

The lifted phrase 'trust the science,' promoting the great virus hysteria, is as ironic as it is revealing, for the construct of mainstream medicine is a crooked house of cards in which the scientific community has operated since its inception, while largely closing off its practices to the outside world.

The question must be allowed, why is it not said:—"Ladies and gentlemen, please do your research. There is nothing we are hiding from you!"

Aren't you?

In other words, these medical priests are asking their uninitiated followers to blindly trust their wondrous scientific rituals, which, as it turns out, merely open the gates to the abolition of bodily autonomy and free will, all in the name of the invasive biosecurity state. The Trojan Horse supposedly protects us from the ongoing waves of out-of-control mutating 'viruses' and our supposed genetic ignorance.

But do we depend on their autocratic crackdowns and projected bright and happy future without distractions of allegedly unsustainable property and egocentric individual rights, not least to make life's own very exclusive choices, all without their intrusive treatments and preventatives for perpetual submicroscopic threats?

Now let me briefly share some information I found in my research on what we have to be vigilant about to stay healthy without sacrificing our human rights, property, and livelihood.

Four major causal factors lead to diseased conditions of the body and mind. The 'Big Four' stressors I refer to are poor nutrition, chemical toxins, electromagnetic radiation, and psychosomatic stress—and yes, there is sufficient data to back them all up.

Therefore, these key categorical factors can be easily applied to the current pandemic theatre and each occurrence of a 'cluster.'

To get an idea of what contributes to widespread disease, and as such acute 'COVID' cases and fatalities, various factors need to be considered—such as common habits, meaning prolonged malnutrition and intoxication; local environmental conditions and interventions; care home and hospitalization rates and conditions; inappropriate treatments like antivirals, especially overdosages, paired with intubating ventilators; reckless vaccination and 'gene therapy' campaigns; as well as disruptive curfews and lockdowns, coupled with notorious media-driven fear-mongering that keep the most vulnerable, those with pre-existing conditions, from receiving the treatment on which they depend, and leaving the elderly, isolated from their loved ones, to die in despair, while contributing to staggering sickness, depression, and suicide—which frequently and deliberately end up in the COVID statistics.

Thus, it is clear that COVID-19 cannot be attributed to a single 'infectious agent' but is an umbrella term of reclassified endemic and emerging diseases that, depending on local factors, may currently find the perfect conditions to produce acute and fatal courses.

Moreover, to understand how the propagated case and fatality numbers that are used to maintain the strategically implemented lockdown policies come about, various factors need to be considered—such as demographics; 'test' frequencies; relative and total case numbers; the case fatality rate; types of tests and deliberately ramped up PCR amplification cycles, which, along with the test frequency, keep incidence rates high; ambiguous case report guidelines; dubious do-not-resuscitate orders; constant mask-wearing leading to dangerously low oxygen levels that boosts the stress level and causes diseases; and of course far-fetched unscientific and purposefully implemented terms such as 'asymptomatic spread.'

Occurring clusters of alleged viral infections must always be observed in the context of common habits and shared environmental stressors, local as well as temporary.

Even though this topic has been repeated endlessly in the past, I will probably post more about this later on—repetition is key.

However, I am convinced that if anything causes disease or even contributes to the perception of a pandemic, it is the four main stressors, not microorganisms or so-called viruses.

Originally posted here:

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