Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Through Grief and Stress, Let us Live and Celebrate Fellowship!



Hello, everyone! We've reached the end of June and the Hardfork's just a few hours away. The whole world is still undergoing a deep transformation which is affecting us all in different ways, individually and collectively. However, the underlying themes remain the same regardless of where we are or the specific circumstances we might be experiencing. The emotions are the same, the vibrations we feel are equally intense. We're riding this wave together and that alone inspires greater fellowship among us, for we can no longer feign ignorance or disinterest in the avatars we see in other people's lives, there are mirrors all around us that teach us more about who we are and situations like these require that we acknowledge these mirrors or else risk tremendous disadvantage.

In the spirit of these changes, and also as a way to experiment with form and style, I decided to write this edition of Mindful Life with a different tack, more as a dissertation than a curation, albeit I'll still highlight some beautiful posts along with the reflections they offer. This week, the focus is on overcoming obstacles, rising above the vicissitudes and showing wholehearted appreciation for the people that are closest.


In the course of my life I've been forced to explore grief in depth from a very young age. My relationship with this feeling has changed considerably in the past few years, but it defined much of my behavior prior to that. I've since realized that grief is a form of emotional stricture, a kind of compulsion toward a disciplined outlook on the consequences of our actions and also the fleeting nature of this material existence. We don't grieve for those who pass but for ourselves who remain here without our loved ones' embraces and caresses. Going through this grief and coming out strengthened is an essential part of reclaiming our heritage and power for the proper fulfillment of our Purpose. My dear @trucklife-family shared a trio of posts this week that, although written in different moments and with different approaches, feel to me as if they were actually the same post describing the stage she's at in her personal process. The first is a gorgeous poem coupled with prose where she calls upon her deeper power; the second is a confession, the untightening of a knot of anxiety and exhaustion as she's making preparations to leave her current location with her girls, a place she's so grateful for. Finally, in the anniversary of her late sister, she unravels a deeper aspect and describes a lovely ritual of remembrance, mourning and ultimate joy firmly rooted in pure love.

You can see, in all three post, a deepening and also a flourishing of a sense of purpose. I feel that she's ready to perform her mission at a much higher level. In fact, I feel that's happening to all of us at some level, we're being prompted to face our grief, and pain, our anger, our fear, in order to gain access to much greater wealth or rather, to the knowledge that we've always been wealthy in our friends, wealthy in our families, in our memories, dreams and imagination. Speaking of which, I encourage you to take a serious look at this amazing reflection by @josediccus about our tendency to fill voids in our experience with fictions, and the power that resides in opening up to the life without judging the choices of others, and how important it is to empathize with them.


In this post he talks a bit about his experience with physical pain and also with the feeling of inadequacy and disorientation arising from the breaking of his home, a situation that's hardly uncommon in the world, and which can reach pretty serious extremes, including domestic abuse, a situation that @thisismylife knows only too well according to her latest contribution, where she explains her struggle with anger and stress after going through an abusive relationship, and how she's been coping with it by practicing boxing. She'd left the practice for a while because she lacked the necessary equipment, but she's back at it again and her vibration is quite passionate and inspiring!


In difficult moments, having the right partner by our side or a group of supportive friends is vital, but it's also vital to have them around when it's time to celebrate great achievements. @alchemage has graduated from the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Maine, and @elamental is bursting with pride and joy for his great friend. Although I've only known @alchemage for a short while, I've realized there's a profound sense of kinship between us and, while I can't properly celebrate this success with him, I can and do send him great blessings that he may use his newly acquired tools for the betterment of his life and that of others.


I feel that these curations offer an opportunity for connection among so many authors from so many contexts, with so many different experiences and perspectives. As such, I'm proud and privileged to be able to establish a nexus, a multi-directional bridge across which others may meet their own mirrors regardless of distance. That's the wonderful possibility of this platform and of the internet at large, something that I think has only been apparent to most people thanks to this pandemic which have forced us to be in our homes for so long. And speaking of being at home, relieving stress and exhaustion, and going deeper in general, I leave you with this beautiful post by @moonyoga, containing a video with a very simple but effective routine to recover our center and focus. Her voice is so peaceful and the exercise is so easy that I think all readers would benefit greatly from watching it in its entirety and, of course, performing the practice.



In every curation, we reward one of our delegators as a 5% beneficiary. This week I randomly chose @paradigmprospect


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Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@naturalmedicine/through-grief-and-stress-let-us-live-and-celebrate-fellowship

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