Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Joy Dose, Blog Response to Russell Brand Digital Photography and Art

Joy Dose

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See below my quoted response [edited] to Russell Brand's youtube offering, after England defeated Germany in some important soccery thing.

Joy is essential to life, but most of us have been trained to think it is something that we need to be somewhat guilty about experiencing; that is must be limited or we will some how become defective when it is exact opposite that is the truth.

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I find joy in nature; exploring its beauty, being and exercising in it; building on its beauty and wisdom through artistic pursuits, photography, and poetry. I feel my absolute best at sunset, when the air has just a little bit more energy and everyone and everything takes on the rosy sublime.


But if soccer ... soccer (it's about the socks) brings you joy then have at it.

Soccer does not do it for me; though I admit to a love of watching my Alma Mater (UBC) live sporting events. I too love the communal nature of the gatherings and the heightened and open display of emotions that comes with a win or the disappointed of a loss (I like that a little less).

Though I was not invested in either team, England or Germany, seeing the joy illicited in a nation that despite being the most vaccinated in Europe continues to have its rights and freedom infringed upon brought me joy too. But I found myself asking, who invited Boris.

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The absolute worse thing about the dominant narrative enforced by corporate powers and their well-placed patsies is it pretty much outlawed joy. Organized sports were made illegal, dancing was pretty much made illegal. Workplaces were full of medical propaganda and constant reminders to be suspicious and afraid.

I recognize that at the beginning of this whole thing, back in early spring of 2020, there was cause to shut down things and err of the side of caution, but I also KNOW there was little legitimate reasons left by late spring.

Statistics clearly showed who was at risk, that given seasonality when they were at risk; statistics showed that cases had been inflated.

Hard-working and ethical doctors had discovered the medications and therapeutics (cheap and easily produced therapeutics) that would have saved a large portion of the lives that were still to be claimed by the second wave.

I know this not because of lack of understanding of science but because of that Alma Mater I mentioned earlier and a generous amount of time spent in study of science, mathematics, and social science.

For some added context:

It is not conspiracy. The drive for corporate profit over-shadowed joy, health, and ethical scientific and medical practices.

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Joy was pushed to the fringes and also viewed with suspicion and something only chemically inebriated could experience.

Instead of the bringer of positive hormones, essential to health, joy was viewed, incorrectly, as something that might kill you.

A hug, touch, things we can't thrive without, propagandized into a weapons of mass destruction, along with anyone who dared to question policy and truthfully report anything contrary to the governmental and corporate narrative. They remain one in the same.

Kudos to Sweden who followed truthful science and maintained their governmental social contract and as such limited suffering and excess deaths. Yeah, they were right; We were wrong.


Looking at these goose sheltering her goslings from a cold spring day should fill you with joy and warmth. When things get difficult we find strength in each other and that is how we get through things. Alas we made it so some of our most vulnerable weathered their last winter alone and in fear. This was a CRUEL, CRUEL thing to do.

It wasn't done to keep them safe from death. That was an impossible thing to accomplish; it was used to further an agenda that prioritizes material wealth and minimizes, even demonizes, joy, togetherness, and lasting health.

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To my mind there is only one way to honour those lost to governmental and corporate malfeasance, to celebrate those who died when it was their time but were forced to face their last material moments in isolated and terror.

It's ...

Time to reclaim our joy and never allow out institutions to manipulate us out of it again. Joy is essential to life and health. Togetherness is essential to life and health. Neither is delivered by a needle and governmental control.

Science is amazing and beautiful but its 'truths' can be manipulated for profit and agenda. So don't trust it anymore; learn it and keep learning it; and don't stop with science. Learn, learn; learn.

And NEVER EVER sacrifice your joy for anyone or anything. You cannot be healthy without regular and generous doses.

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Words and Images are my own.

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Originally posted here:

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