Monday, June 21, 2021

Let's all together make International Day of Yoga.

Hello friends, today is the most important day for us. In which we get a chance to improve our life one day. It is celebrated as Yoga Day. Yoga day is also made in other countries including India. They have been following this tradition for many years. Yoga is a wonderful union between our body and soul. Yoga is also known as science. Every year 21 June is celebrated as International Yoga Day. Nowadays time is changing. Yoga gives us strength. That's why everyone should do yoga.


Even today there are some people who do not know about yoga. Because yoga removes the diseases of our body. Always make time for yoga. You stay fit even by doing Suryanamaskar. Yoga gives us health effects. Doing yoga brings changes in the body. Yoga has many hopes. All the asanas make the body parts better. You have trouble doing yoga. So there is some yoga like this. In which your body does not suffer. Yoga removes mental stress, anxiety, sadness, attachment, anger. With pranayama, your body is full of oxygen. Yoga removes harmful substances from your body. All kinds of disorders are also removed. Everyone gets happiness in life.


My experience says that doing yoga is necessary to keep the body healthy. Also, you should pay special attention to your diet. Your whole day routine is also included. In which we can save from many dangerous diseases. Good health inspires us to face new challenges. In bad health our life gets spoiled. So always eat simple food. And keep yourself clean. And others should also understand. Only then can you improve your lifestyle. and move towards success. Then there will be no problem in your life. live to the fullest

Life, we can do some yoga easily.

  1. Swastikasan
  2. Gomukhasana
  3. Gorakhshasana
  4. Anulom Vilom Pranayam
  5. Kapalbhati Pranayam
  6. Bhramri Panayam
  7. Yoga Mudrasana

I think you will like this post.
Enjoy your Monday. A healthy lifestyle is one that helps maintain and improve your health and well-being.
Have a Nice Day.

Originally posted here:

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