Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Serious Warnings About COVID-19 “Vaccines” Grow


By Neenah Payne

A number of doctors and scientists are raising very serious concerns about the COVID-19 “vaccines”.

Dr. Peter McCullough points out that deaths from COVID “vaccines” exceed deaths from all 70 vaccines ever given in the US -- and those numbers may represent just 1-10% of the COVID vaccine deaths. He is concerned that the injections are being given to people who should not get them. Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., former Pfizer VP, issues a strong warning against getting “booster shots” which he believes may kill millions of people.

There are now 10,000 “break-through cases” -- people who got COVID from the “vaccines”. A growing number of doctors report that the only COVID patients in hospitals now are people who got the “vaccines”. CDC statistics for COVID-19 indicate there is a 99% survival rate for people under age 70. People over 70 can also investigate any of the three potential treatments. So, while COVID poses little threat to younger age groups, the COVID “health” policies -- especially “vaccines” -- have caused massive harm to the health and rights of millions of Americans.

COVID Shots Are Killing Large Numbers of People

World Renowned Conventional Doc Blasts The COVID JAB-Erwocks links to an interview with Dr. Peter McCullough, Vice Chief of Internal Medicine, Baylor University Medical Center. The article says Dr. McCullough “might be the world’s top cardiologist, who also holds an MPH degree and is a professor of medicine. His work/background is totally stunning, and seems impossible for one person. ...Even better, he’s also world famous. Meaning…he has the exceptional intelligence to analyze and dissect the COVID VAX atrocity. The measured way in which he delivers this bombshell is also remarkable.”

Dr. McCullough discusses the blood clots for which the J&J product was halted and points out that the blood clots caused by the mRNA vaccine are “probably 30 times that” -- but it has not been halted. Dr. McCullouogh says “…keep in mind that the NIH is a co-owner of the Moderna patent."

The article points out:

“One horrific injustice noted is that people are not being fully informed of the vaccine risks, nor of the volume of serious reactions. Official propaganda says 'Safe'. McCullough indicts every member of the criminal cartel running this scam, from NIH to the WHO to the Gates Foundation. That spectrum includes the individual most of us know as a criminal from the outset – Anthony Fauci. Not that the clotting issue takes anything away from the part about being WAY past the death point where any drug would normally be pulled.”

Dr. McCullough explains that if a new drug causes five deaths, it gets a “Black Box Warning”. At 50 deaths, a new drug is called off the market. The 1976 SARS vaccine program was stopped after 25 deaths. However, in the US when about 77 million people had been fully vaccinated with the COVID shots, there were 2,260 deaths reported. Yet, those may be just 1-10% of the real number because a Harvard study showed that just 1% of vaccine injuries are reported to VAERS. Most of the deaths from the COVID shots occur on Day 1, 2, or 3. Some even occur at the vaccination center! Yet, now the plan is to vaccinate 12-15 year olds who have less than a zero percent risk of catching the virus!

Dangers Of Spike Protein In COVID “Vaccines”

Vaccine Researcher Drops Bloodcurdling 'Truth Bomb' reports:

“Google tried to censor it, but this previously unseen research cannot be ignored -- and suggests the COVID-19 vaccines could be far worse than they look. Not only is the 'spike protein' your body produces worse than COVID itself, it spreads like fire.

The assumption that vaccine developers have been working with is that the mRNA in the vaccines would primarily remain in and around the vaccination site. Pfizer’s data, however, show the mRNA and subsequent spike protein are widely distributed in the body within hours.

This is a serious problem, as the spike protein is a toxin shown to cause cardiovascular and neurological damage. It also has reproductive toxicity, and Pfizer’s biodistribution data show it accumulates in women’s ovaries. Once in your blood circulation, the spike protein binds to platelet receptors and the cells that line your blood vessels. When that happens, it can cause platelets to clump together, resulting in blood clots, and/or cause abnormal bleeding."

The article warns:

“The mRNA enters your bloodstream and accumulates in a variety of organs, primarily your spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands and, in women, the ovaries. The spike protein also travels to your heart, brain and lungs, where bleeding and or blood clots can occur as a result, and is expelled in breast milk. This is a problem, because rather than instructing your muscle cells to produce the spike protein (the antigen that triggers antibody production), spike protein is actually being produced inside your blood vessel walls and various organs, where it can do a great deal of damage.”

Unfortunately, people who have received the COVID “vaccines” are allowed to donate blood which could undermine the safety of the blood supply of the nation. For people who want to avoid the dangers of the vaccine if they have to get a blood transfusion later, it’s a good idea to know your blood type now and to find unvaccinated family members and/or friends nearby with the same blood type who can be called on if necessary.

Heart Inflammation and Blood Clots


“Serious cases of myocarditis in young people after receiving the #Covid19 vaccines are piling up across the US."


“When her 17-year-old son and husband were both hospitalized with life-threatening blood clots days after receiving the #Covid19 vaccine, Cherie Romney made it her mission to speak out.”

Everest Romney was a basketball star in his junior year in high school who expected to be recruited for colleges on a basketball scholarship. However, after getting the Pfizer shot, his dream may not come true. He is struggling now just to function.

CDC’s Emergency Meeting June 18


America’s Frontline Doctors released the following statement today in response to the announcement by the Centers for Disease Control that they will hold a June 18th emergency meeting of The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) to address increased rates of inflammation of the heart muscle and heart lining after COVID-19 vaccination, particularly in young people. In a June 10th meeting the CDC disclosed, as of May 31, 475 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis were reported to VAERS of Americans age 30 and younger. The conditions called myocarditis and pericarditis can cause permanent heart damage. AFLDS is currently suing the Dept. of Health and Human Services to prevent additional emergency use authorizations of COVID-19 vaccines.

'It’s long past time that the CDC acknowledged there are hundreds of cases involving young people who have been vaccinated. Almost all of these children require hospitalization and 20% have reduced heart function. The children/youths will need to be on heart failure drugs and no physical activity for 3-6 months to try to prevent permanent heart failure. The CDC must immediately suspend any additional authorizations for the use of COVID-19 vaccines in children. If an otherwise healthy 12-year-old suffers heart damage after receiving these vaccines, their life will never be the same. These conditions can change a young person’s healthy heart to that of a frail 70 year old overnight. It continues to be unfortunate that the CDC refuses to acknowledge risks and mounting adverse events until they are forced to by rising cases.'

“Pediatric Medical Director for America’s Frontline Doctors, Dr Angie Farella submitted a letter to CDC for review on this very issue. She wrote,

'Vaccines take years to safely test. It’s not only the number of people tested but the length of time that is important when creating new vaccines. These experimental agents must not be rushed and licensed early, before the completion of all trials. The risk to children from COVID-19 is statistically insignificant, yet the nation’s medical bureaucracy and Big Pharma continue to put our children at risk to push an experimental agent that is not medically necessary. Parents, physicians and elected officials must stand up for our nation’s children now before we find more damage has been done at the hands of politicized science.'"

In Remembrance


“From POTUS, to Fauci, to Gates, leaders of our country are telling us EVERY American needs to get the #Covid19 vaccine. But what about the ones that did and didn’t live another day, or the ones fighting for their lives after having a severe reaction? Here is a painful journey through the ones left behind during this attempt at vaccinating the world.”

Is COVID-19 A Bio-Weapon?

IS COVID-19 A BIO-WEAPON?: “Dr. Richard Fleming takes Del through a shocking paper trail surrounding the SARS-CoV2 virus and its link to Fauci and US funded gain-of-function research.”

Science Journals Support Claim that Pfizer Covid Vaccine May Cause Deadly Neurodegenerative Disease points out:

“A recent article published in the scientific journal Microbiology and Infectious Diseases makes the claim that the mRNA Pfizer Covid vaccine may contain prions which cause deadly neurodegenerative disease, sometimes called 'Creutzfeldt-Jakob' or 'Mad Cow' disease.

The article, titled 'COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease,”' was published in January of 2021 and has been studiously ignored by major media, which has focused its efforts on encouraging individuals to take the jab….The paper goes on to state that “The folding of TDP-43 and FUS into their pathologic prion confirmations is known to cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases.” In other words, the Pfizer mRNA vaccine may have the capability of turning brains to mush.”

“They Don’t Want to See People Like Us” :

“Del sits down with three healthcare workers who were on the frontline of Covid vaccine rollouts in America…the three women go back to the day they received their vaccine, the severe reactions they endured starting just days after, and the complete denial the medical community has towards the groundswell of injured people looking for help.”

Dr. Peter McCullough Sounds Alarm Against COVID-19 “Vaccines”

Doctor sounds alarm about DANGERS of COVID jab, especially for some people links to an interview with Dr. Peter McCullough, a consultant cardiologist, Professor of Medicine, and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX.

The article points out:

“He’s been a strong and routinely silenced voice in the informed consent community during this pandemic and has recently expressed his concerns over the widespread administration of COVID shots.

In his professional opinion, groups of people who should NOT get the jab include:

  • Pregnant and lactating women
  • People who have previously had COVID-19
  • Anyone who was explicitly excluded from the clinical drug trials (including older adults)
Aside from the lack of long-term data regarding the safety and effectiveness of these drugs, Dr. McCullough also points to his concerns over the drugs’ short-term effects.”

The article shows the FDA advises against the Pfizer shot for people who have had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of the drug and for people who have had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient of the drug. The FDA says pregnant and breastfeeding women, women planning to become pregnant, people who are immune-compromised, people with bleeding disorders/on blood thinners, people with “any allergies,” and people who have “ever fainted in association with an injection,” should first alert their injection providers about these and any other medical conditions.

The article points out:

“The question is: IS this actually happening? When exactly did the media tell millions of Americans to alert their providers about all their medical conditions before rolling up their sleeves.”

Vaccine centers are nearly empty now.

Call For Complete Cessation of COVID “Vaccines”

‘Urgent’ British report calls for complete cessation of COVID vaccines in humans says:

An urgent preliminary report of Yellow Card data issued by the UK-based Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd submitted to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) states that "the MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans.”

Similar to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), the MHRA describes the purpose of its Yellow Card system as providing “an early warning that the safety of a medicine or a medical device may require further investigation.”

The report, signed by Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd and EbMC Squared CiC Director Dr. Tess Lawrie (MBBCh, PhD), says: “We have searched the Yellow Card reports using pathology-specific key words to group the data according to the following five [sic] broad, clinically relevant categories:

  • Bleeding, Clotting and Ischaemic ADRs
  • Immune System ADRs
  • ‘Pain’ ADRs
  • Neurological ADRs
  • ADRs involving loss of Sight, Hearing, Speech or Smell
  • Pregnancy ADRs”
The report goes on to say: “We are aware of the limitations of pharmacovigilance data and understand that information on reported Adverse Drug Reactions should not be interpreted as meaning that the medicine in question generally causes the observed effect or is unsafe to use. We are sharing this preliminary report due to the urgent need to communicate information that should lead to cessation of the vaccination roll out while a full investigation is conducted.

According to the recent paper by Seneff and Nigh, potential acute and long-term pathologies include:

  • Pathogenic priming, multisystem inflammatory disease and autoimmunity
  • Allergic reactions and anaphylaxis
  • Antibody dependent enhancement
  • Activation of latent viral infections
  • Neurodegeneration and prion diseases
  • Emergence of novel variants of SARSCoV2
  • Integration of the spike protein gene into the human DNA
“It is now apparent that these products in the blood stream are toxic to humans. An immediate halt to the vaccination programme is required whilst a full and independent safety analysis is undertaken to investigate the full extent of the harms, which the UK Yellow Card data suggest include thromboembolism, multisystem inflammatory disease, immune suppression, autoimmunity and anaphylaxis, as well as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).”

The report concludes: “The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans. Preparation should be made to scale up humanitarian efforts to assist those harmed by the COVID-19 vaccines and to anticipate and ameliorate medium to longer term effects. As the mechanism for harms from the vaccines appears to be similar to COVID-19 itself, this includes engaging with numerous international doctors and scientists with expertise in successfully treating COVID-19.

“There are at least 3 urgent questions that need to be answered by the MHRA:

  1. How many people have died within 28 days of vaccination?
  2. How many people have been hospitalised within 28 days of vaccination?
  3. How many people have been disabled by the vaccination?”

Neenah Payne writes for Natural Blaze and Activist Post

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/health/@activistpost/serious-warnings-about-covid-19-vaccines-grow

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