Monday, June 14, 2021

My babies are doing awesome!


Photo by me

Such cuties


My sprouts are doing so good right now. I was a bit nervous when I was transplanting them from their tiny pots to the larger Air Pots, but all of them are still growing and doing great.


Photo by me

This one was the first to sprout and she turned 2 weeks old today. In the next couple weeks, she will be ready for her first pruning where I am going to be chopping the main stem and forcing her to have multiple main colas. I am kind of glad that these plants are in different stages right now cause I will get to see how much stress is put on this plant when I cut the stem and it will help me to decide if I should do it with the others. Autos can be very sensitive to high stress training, so I want to make sure I don't over stress them.


Photo by me

This one is a few days behind the first one in growth, but she is looking extremely healthy as well.


Photo by me

This one sprouted the same day as the previous one, so they are just about the same stage in their life. It is crazy to see how different they look between the morning time and then before I go to sleep. These plants grow very fast.


Photo by me

This one doesn't seem to be stretching at all and growing upwards, but it is still producing new leaves and growing. This one may end up just being a short bushy one. I raised up the lights in the tent to try and force her to stretch upwards a bit to the lights.


Photo by me

This one is the last seedling to sprout and she is in a cloth pot and not one of the Air Pots. It will be interesting to see how she grows in this pot compared to the new ones. Hopefully the new pots make a difference, if not, they were most likely a waste of money.


Photo by me

Right now I am watering these as needed, which is about every 2-3 days. The Air Pots dry out pretty quickly, so it will be interesting to see how much water the plants need during the later weeks of flowering. They also had their first set of nutrients a few days ago and I think they absorbed some of the nutrients yesterday because that was when I saw the largest change in growth for all of them.

I am going to be watering them with nutrients every Friday now and just continue that throughout their lives. With my previous plants, I was giving them nutrients just about every other watering, and during flower, that was every other day. So I am sure I gave them way too much. With having Friday be my nutrient day, I think that will help to make sure I do not overfeed them.


Photo by me

I am excited for this grow. I think it could end up being my best one yet because I have learned so much throughout all of the other grows and I am going to be trying out a bunch of new things as well. Growing my own cannabis has been such a fun experiment and I can't wait to just improve my growing skills over the years. I am grateful for the Hive blockchain for giving me a place to record all of this as well.

Originally posted here:

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