Friday, June 18, 2021

How to get fit for summer!

God evening community!

Since it is soon to be summer and a lot of you guys are going on holidays I will not write about finance. I adjust my blog to what circumstances we all are "wrapped in". This time I will share my tips around how to get healthy in three weeks, right before the "beach season" begins! This is what has worked for me in recent years, I hope it will do the same for you!


If you are going to have time to lose weight for the holidays, it is not enough to shine in the gym - I have realized that now! Even more important is to shine in the kitchen!

I have done some research and it abounds with advices that promise you how to get fit for the summer and telling you if you do this and do that you will get that incredible ass or those incredible abs in only… wait for it… three weeks. The problem with this however is that very often the role of a good diet is given little space. Because if you want to go down in weight you also need to eat healthy. There is really something to the quote “Abs are made in the kitchen”.

In just a couple of weeks the is this joint summer holidays, and for a great deal of people there are no more than 2-3 kilos that needs to “drop” before you feel a little better in your summer clothes. I will show you what you need to do in this post - it worked for me!

For those that only have a few kilos extra, often have both exercise, diet and burning habits in place and it can be a little harder to go down for them. With some dietary adjustments, they can still manage to lose around two kilos. If you, on the other hand, have “a lot to lose”, you can expect to lose three to five kilos if you put in a good effort.

A good diet is the most important part!

By reading a lot of articles it came down to that it takes a lot to lose weight significantly through just go to the gym. Diet is by far the most important thing in terms of weight loss, according to a lot of diet experts. Do you think many people underestimate the effects of a proper diet? Simply put: “You should run for about 20 hours to lose a pound of weight, assuming you do not eat more than you would have done without training”. If you exercise one hour every day and burn 500 calories, you will be able to burn 10,500 calories within three weeks. Assuming that you do not compensate by eating more, this calorie deficit will correspond to 1.5 kilos of fat reduction.

Easier than exercise!

If you go on a strict diet, for example if you eat 1000 calories less than you burn, you will according to some experts be able to lose around 3 kilos of pure fat. This is probably more feasible for most people than an hour of hard training daily. Diet can also play different roles depending on the person's shape - the worse shape you are in, the more important the food is in terms of losing weight. Training for someone who is not in shape will thus have far less effect, because the metabolism is poorer than in someone who is in good shape. Exercise will however immediately improve the shape so that shape and combustion ability will quickly increase and thus play a greater role in relation to losing weight.

People who are in poor shape can lose between three and five kilos just by changing their diet over a three-week period. If you are in better shape and adjust your diet in addition to training, you can lose between three to eight kilos. It is possible, I am a living proof, but losing eight kilos in three weeks is not something I would recommend to most people. Since most people want to be in shape and in a comfortable body for the rest of their lives, you can spend some time on both shape and weight loss. Exercise provides great health benefits, but if the goal is to meet the summer without the waistband tightening, you must think about your diet.

You will be hungry after a workout!

A challenge if you exercise a lot to lose weight, is that many people fall into the trap of compensating with more food. One feels one has worked hard and therefore can indulge in both the one and the other. “The winning goes up in the spinning” and you do not lose weight. We are in bad shape, most of us. Even if you can achieve much through three weeks of work, you should not do it just because I said it worked for me. It is easy to see that if you go too hard, the kilo can come back quickly. Rather, settle for the beginning of a healthy life and continue with it. If you start to reduce your intake a little now and exercise a little, you can become a better version of yourself, and even in this summer!

My summer recipe for weight loss

Some assumptions:
Man: 180 centimeter and weighs 90 kilos
Woman: 170 centimeter and weighs 70 kilos.
Both are working from an office and barely exercise. To lose three kilos in three weeks, they must eat between 1300 and 1700 calories daily. The less they eat, the more they lose weight.

Daily menu:

  1. Breakfast:
    Two slices of bread with banana and 1 kiwi, 1 deciliter extra light milk.
  2. Lunch:
    Two slices of bread with mackerel in tomato and 1 apple, 1.5 deciliters with orange juice.
  3. Snack:
    A cup of healthy yoghurt of your liking, mine is “Q-skyr with orange and mango” (Norwegian thing).
  4. Dinner:
    Chicken with crispy pasta salad.
  5. Supper:
    A crispbread with boiled ham and cucumber, 1 pear.

Note: The topping of the slice of bread and crispbread for breakfast, lunch, and supper may vary. White cheese, tuna, bacon, fruit, and smoked salmon are good options.
Breakfast can be replaced with oatmeal, omelet, or smoothie. Lunch can be replaced with a generous salad, soup, or cranberries with cottage cheese/yogurt. A rule of thumb is that lunch should not correspond to more than half a portion of dinner. Alternative snacks are a handful of cashews (my favorite) with different types of fruit, a smoothie or bread. When it comes to dinner, it is important to use your imagination: Choose 100-150 grams of meat or fish, 100-150 grams of potatoes, pasta, or rice and plenty of salad or vegetables. At dinner most things are allowed if you are careful with sauces, dressings, and carbohydrates. Alternatives to supper are a smoothie and a hand full of cashew nuts.

Good luck with the diet and exercises before summer holidays and I hope this will help you on the road or at least give you some input to your diet!


Originally posted here:

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