Tuesday, May 11, 2021

What Is Holistic Health??


Health is a topic near and dear to my heart. I've spent many years discovering what humans need in order to live a great life. Holistic health and healing is my absolute favorite thing to read and talk about.

In this post, I'll share with you some information about holistic healing. What is it, why it's important, and some tips.

What is Holistic Health & Healing


Holistic healing is a way of treating people the natural way. The word holistic means whole, one, complete. It takes into account the whole individual and their overall wellness. Instead of focusing on one part of the body, holistic health practitioners look at the whole picture. These types of doctors and practitioners look for the root cause of our illnesses.

Holistic health includes many different types of healing modalities. Here is a list of some examples:

  • Herbalism
  • Chinese Medicine
  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic
  • Homeopathy
  • Ayurveda
  • Integrative medicine
  • Functional medicine
  • Reiki
  • Naturopathy
  • Reflexology

Each one of these practices has its different approach. The best way to find which is best for you is to try them as see for yourself. Some of these practices have been used for centuries and are proven to work for many different ailments.

Holistic health and wellness include healing the whole individual, mind, body, and spirit. In order to live a truly happy and healthy life, we must consider more than just our physical bodies. We have emotions, wants, needs, dreams, traumas, and blockages. Only after looking deep inside ourselves can we find true healing.

Problems With Modern-Day Medicine

Examples of the ways western medicine usually operates:

  • Treats the symptom, not the root cause
  • Treats the disease, not the individual
  • One size fits all medicine approach
  • Driven largely by financial profit
  • Most modern-day doctors are 7 years behind on new health research

Most doctors today are an average of 7 years behind on their research and are treating patients using outdated information. This has huge implications for the medical community but no one really speaks about it. Here is an article that talks all about the lack of medical research maintenance in medicine today and the harmful effects of doctors using ineffective cures.

Holistic Tips For Mind-Body-Spirit Wellness

Here is a list of the things I recommend to get you going on your holistic health journey:

  • Do more of the things you love <3
  • Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables with each meal
  • Get fresh air
  • Drink plenty of clean water
  • Move and stretch your body
  • Spend time in nature
    • Put your bare feet on the earth
  • Reach out to a holistic practicioner
  • Deep breathing

We are incredible beings and we are capable of great healing. Once we remove the obstacles, the body knows what to do in order to thrive.

If you've read this far, I wish you a successful healing journey.

All the best,

Michelle :)

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/health/@michelleburoz/what-is-holistic-health

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