Saturday, May 29, 2021



Life is too short for us not to be happy. How we determine our happiness is up to us. Happiness is all that matters in life. When you are happy you feel good and free because happiness is a form of liberty while sadness is form of despair and darkness.

Happiness is what keeps person alive and going. Once you are unhappy it will definitely affects your state of well being. Sadness is like a storm cloud covering you with negativity.

Factors That Can Influence Your Mood

  • Environment
    When you are around with good people such as your siblings & friends. They will always want to socialize you.

  • Relationship
    Then depending on a mutual connection you have with a person it could affect your mood especially when it a person you are passionate with. I remember the last time I was in love. It definitely seem as if I've been charmed because the way it felt always made me happy anytime I see that special girl. She do make me happy.

  • Physical Healthy
    When it comes to physical I'm talking about health. The state of your health or illness can make one unhappy

  • Financial State
    This is one of common factor affecting people. If you are not financially stable your mind can't be settle.

People derive happiness & joy from doing different activities such as

  • Listening to music
  • Singing
  • Dance
  • Swimming
  • Watching comedian
  • Playing Games etc.

Doing what you enjoy doing can make you happy like me for example I enjoy playing games with my siblings and friends. It's a way I have my fun and I derive happiness from.

Laughing bring joy and happiness because it triggers your inner emotion making you happy. The best way I do make myself happy is by watching comedy shows. Watching funny person crack jokes will definitely make you laugh especially if the comedian makes good jokes.


The Best Way To Live A Happy Life

  1. Relaxing
  2. Socialize with good people (positive people)
  3. Build a meaningful relationship
  4. Find out what makes you happy and concentrate on that
  5. Be Playful
  6. Exercising
  7. Celebrating
  8. Go out for entertainment
  9. Don't worry too much or over thinking

Remember there's a saying that - An happy life is a healthy life.

Originally posted here:

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