Tuesday, May 25, 2021

LOTUS RECOMMENDS ISSUE #18: Growth, fun, renewal, recipes, music and more.

The LOTUS RECOMMENDS project on HIVE aims to support engagement within our community and the greater HIVE ecosystems through curation. They are brought to you by a beautiful group of moderators and curators in the community who take the time to find and comment and upvote your posts, so please do reward this post with an upvote or put it on your autovoter! All our curators earn a 'finders fee' post beneficiary, and work hard to engage with people in the community to help them feel nourished, grow their account, and acknowledge their hard work.


Whilst we do a number of curations, this one aims to reward the people who find your work and engage with it. Curators vow to engage with the community often, daily if possible. When they drop a post that's worth supporting in our Discord with a short summary, they earn a small post beneficiary on these posts.

It also aims to reward one of the six selected posts with a HIVE bonus.

If you'd like to be one of our special engagement curators, please get in touch. A few roles also exist to compile these posts in @lotusshares. We just ask you to be frequently engaging in the community. Monthly LOTUS stipends also exist for good engagement curators!

It's thanks to the sponsorship of @holisticmom, @whatamidoing and @riverflows that makes this possible. If you would like to donate to this engagement project, please get in touch - it would be very much appreciated.


This edition of Lotus Recommends is compiled by @pavanjr


The nomination of the week goes to @aswita who wins 2 HIVE for their work and was curated by @riverflows .

I learnt a lot about an Indonesian tradition in this plant based recipe post.

PlantBased Snack Recipe ‘Bubur Merah Putih’ Traditional Food Indonesia



The next 2 posts have been curated by @gentleshaid.

This post by @latifah1 ,

A good description of the celosia argentea vegetable along with its medicinal benefits. Awesome images too.

Celosia Flower || beautiful and efficacious as a natural medicine.



The next post is by @rafaeleff15 .

An inspirational and well put together write up about how negativity ruins everything. @rafaeleff15

The power of positive thinking and how it attracts positivity in your life



The next 2 posts have been curated by @MiriannaLis

In this lovely post by @jennynas

This publication is an invitation to life, to be thankful for everything that surrounds us, especially for the opportunity to be alive and to have every day the possibility of fulfilling our dreams.

I invite you to celebrate life | Te invito a celebrar la vida



The next post is by @kattycrochet.

The author of this publication shares her experience detoxifying the body, and the effects she had when she wanted to take the fast track, giving us great recommendations to make this process in a natural and more harmonious way for the body.

Natural Medicine Contest Detox Firt step to purify our body



This posts have been curated by @minismallholding

The last post is by @majo77 ,

Posted in HomeEdders, but I loved reading about how this connection with music helped her godson so dramatically.

Music and its calming effect on children || La musica y su efecto tranquilizante en los niños



This project is sponsored by @holisticmom, @whataimidoing and @riverflows, who donated HIVE to award the best content from the content selected by our mods and curators. By upvoting this post, you support great #naturalmedicine on HIVE and the people who spend time engaging. Engagment is one of the most important things you can do on this platform - remember we are a SOCIAL media, and we appreciate all of you that add to the community in this way with your LOTUS love. Thankyou!


Earn Instantly For Writing Natural Health Content

Earn LOTUS and HIVE rewards for sharing your natural health content on www.naturalmedicine.io. If you don't already have a HIVE account, you can sign up for FREE here. We support writers sharing about herbalism, TCM, yoga, meditation, vegan and other healthy diets, as well as earth centred practices such as foraging, permaculture and biodynamics - read more about us here!




I choose to waive my author fees on this post to support the growth of the Lotus Shares Account.
I nominate @pjpavan to receive a small beneficiary on this post.

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@lotusshares/lotus-recommends-issue-18-growth-fun-renewal-recipes-music-and-more

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