Saturday, May 22, 2021

Infusion of roses to relax [Natural recipe] || By: @Cindycam

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In our daily lives, we are often quite saturated and many of us tend to seek medications such as pain relievers or stress relievers, medications to which they can become addicted.

But natural medicine gives us a healthy alternative to feel better and naturally, without chemicals, only nature provides its benefits in us.

In my beloved town, to which I belong, there are many of everyone in the garden, my whole family loves roses and what in general refers to nature. We have a large garden at home.

When my aunts want to relax and have something refreshing and natural, they turn to the infusion of roses.

Rose tea can serve a number of benefits to humans, such as:

🌹 Helps the nervous system. An infusion, which allows us to benefit from its properties.

🌹 Serve rose water as a tonic, refreshing and hydrating the skin.

🌹 As a diuretic, in the main purifying function. Our bodies through this infusion allow us to cleanse ourselves.

🌹 In the favorable support, it acts as an antioxidant helping in the treatment of cellular aging.

🌹 Among others that are part of these benefits, they help our body to be and feel good.


Infusión de rosas como relajante

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A topic that many do not like to discuss is feeling collapsed or stressed, whether due to work, personal, among many, but the truth in all this is that natural medicine does help and alleviate to a great extent.

How to prepare the infusion of roses?

It is very easy, and we only need our fresh roses.

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The essential thing is to have our petals and only that, the rose petals are what do the work and the corresponding function in the relaxing and natural infusion.


🌹 Rose petals about 6 to 10.

🌹 Water, enough or for how many times you want to take the relaxing infusion. About 2 and 1/2 cups of water.

🌹 To add some sweets, you can use half a teaspoon of sugar or a touch of natural honey.

There is nothing better than tasting and feeling better, with an infusion of roses, as natural as our nature.

How do we prepare it?

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🌹 The rose petals must be clean and we must bear in mind that these roses do not contain chemical agents that will damage them.

🌹 We put the water to boil and cover.

🌹 When the water boils remove from the heat and add the rose petals and cover so that the infusion process is carried out with the petals.

🌹 We wait for it to rest for five minutes and add the sweet.

🌹 Ready to drink . It is very refreshing and does not generate heat.

This infusion changes the color of our water, the truth is that when we see it we already feel relaxed and we marvel at the magnificent creation and its healing or enhancer power for our body, if you feel it when you see it, imagine when you can drink it.

Recommendations for the relaxing infusion

🌹 How relaxing, it is done and an infusion is taken before going to sleep.

🌹 You can drink it whenever you feel fatigued, and this will help.

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Its contribution as a natural medicine does not generate any complications to the body.

Whenever we can resort to natural medicine, we will be thanking Mother Earth for her help, in collaboration with health.

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I hope they have all of them at home, they can try this infusion, it is refreshing and everyone will love it.

Until next time #Hivers friends ...

Originally posted here:

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