Friday, May 28, 2021

🔜 5th #miniCHALLENGE​​​! Are you READY? Let's GO! [MAY.29.2021 @ 8PM CET]

#miniCHALLENGE 5.gif


Hi everyone on and off the Hive Blockchain!

We are going to get right into today's pep talk!

Are you READY?!

We hope you are!

#miniCHALLENGE #5 is right around the corner!

This week's #miniCHALLENGE will be broadcasted LIVE once again from both the @Actifit Youtube AND the Ready Media Youtube Channel simultaneously! 8pm CET (every Saturday you all!).

Still not sure your READY to begin a fitness routine?

Maybe that's where you are right now... But you have clicked onto this post... and you are reading these words right?

Why is that I wonder...

A lot of people feel this way about getting uncomfortable, getting out of their context, about working out. [period]

But here's the thing about that...

Inside we all know we want to do something about our health. There isn't one among us that doesn't want to make life easier (in the long run!) by becoming a fitter version of ourselves...

But the problem is that we all have prioritized EVERYTHING else under the sun rather than our health and fitness... right!?

But let's get honest.

It's time to shoot from the hip.

Sure it would be nice to actually BE in the BEST SHAPE of their lives... right?

But maybe there's some self-doubt lingering there in the shadows.

Maybe you are this person?

Are we talking to your heart right now?

If we are... then please read on because this could be the small step that endsUP being a HUGE MASSIVE LEAP for you when you look back one day!

The thing to remember is...




So boot out all those unempowered excuses masquerading as "reasons"...

and trust us when we say, "Your never going to regret living a healthy lifestyle RIGHT HERE and RIGHT NOW... but you will regret living an unhealthy lifestyle... that is SURE as SURE can BE."

So it's better to stop the thinking about "can't" and start thinking about the "How can I's that will fuel you through the hardest part of beginning anything."

The 1st 2 weeks of anything are the most difficult.

But get through that and make it stick... and your going to quickly wonder why you didn't do this sooner!

All those empowering "How CAN I." thoughts will lead you to places, achievements, and results you never knew were possible!

You have unlimited potential!

Don't believe me?

Then why have you read this far huh?! 😉

It's because deep inside you know.

You can hear the call.

The call to living your best life.

It's right there... locked away in the present moment!

Once you toss the "I can't" attitude and replace it with "How can I" or even "I can!" your going to realize that it was only you that was holding you back.

You are at the edge of finding out what UNLIMITED means for you!

But first we gotta dial it back.

Let's talk about your "WHY".

Getting from point "A" to point "B"each is possible... But you gotta know right WHERE you are coming from.

Start thinking about your goals this week!

And while you do that remember...

If you don't write down your #goals... they aren't #goals. They have been downgraded to #wishes.

People don't plan to fail... they only fail to plan!

So don't fall into that pit-fall!

Write down your goals this week... and then we will help you refine them using the S.M.A.R.T. Goal concept...

S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Action Orientated, Realistic, and Timed.

Think your done?!

Not yet!

After that we will show you how to convert your S.M.A.R.T. goals into PROMISES! That's when the rubber really hits the road!

Sound good!


-The @BeachReady Crew

About Tomorrow's #miniCHALLENGE

Ok! Here's the details:

Mark your calendars and block off your schedules! 30min. #miniCHALLENGE #workout every Saturday @ 8PM CET!

✅ Get your clocks set and synchronized! [8pm CET] 🕗
✅ Grab a light or medium heavy from around the house. ⚓️
✅ Get your workout gear. 👟
✅ Grab a water. 🚰
✅ Get a towel. ⬜️
✅ Grab your friends attention! Challenge them to a #miniCHALLENGE! 👱‍♀👦
✅ Get READY to #Win 5min. at a time! 🏆

There! Now your READY!

Lets GET those RESULTS! Let's GET healthy TOGETHER!

Let's GO!

Here's the links you will need to find your way to tomorrow's LIVE. 👇

The Ready Media Channel

The @Actifit Channel

Here's a general idea of how the LIVE WORKOUT will FLOW for those of you who might be wondering! 👇



❤️ [5min] — REP + RALLY

👟 [5min] — WARMUP

💪 [5+5+5min] — WORKOUT INTERVAL

[30 — 60sec. Catch Your Breath + Intensity Check]

👍 [5min] — STRETCH

🙌 everybody #HighFive everybody!




@BeachReady @Actifit Trainer @wil.metcalfe will be taking us through another rush of reps! This time we will be targeting the LOWER BODY + CORE!

Wil is a certified personal trainer with over 10 years of experience so you are going to get something from this #miniCHALLENGE. Buuuuut keep in mind...

Change is a process!
Take this as an opportunity to learn about yourself! Listen to your body.
AND be patient.

Those results are on their way! You'll see! 👀


🎧Listen to the @BeachReady Rap! Let's get PUMPED!🎧

➕ If you would like to find out more about the #miniCHALLENGE here's some links 👇

1️⃣ @beachready/2nd-minichallenge-are-you-ready-lets-go-may082021
2️⃣ @beachready/a-new-fitness-challenge-launching-the-minichallenge-lives

➕ You can also participate right NOW! Check out and follow along to some of the pervious #miniCHALLENGES! 👇

#miniCHALLENGE 4️⃣

#miniCHALLENGE 3️⃣

#miniCHALLENGE 2️⃣


Originally posted here:

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