Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Another Trip Around The Sun Means New Goals!



Today starts my 39th trip around the sun! I am very excited for what is to come! It's crazy, I am actually feeling pumped about pushing the 40 mark and honestly now on the count down to that point! My goal for this year is to just keep building, pursuing dreams, and getting healthy! I mean, I am not in the worst of health, but could definitely be in a better place, lol. But I am extremely happy to where I have come in the last year, and hope that I can only be an example to my 21 and 16 year old kids on how anyone can do it!

This past year has been an insane growth period for me, not only in life, but in business as well. This time last year, I freed myself from corporate bondage by leaving an 8 year career with Apple to go on my own to build my own digital empire.

In this time, I have built https://hivelist.io ecommerce marketplace and classifieds and https://coin-logic.com (well, rebuilt this site, lol) which is a CoinGecko type site that is just really focused around the investments that I am in or coins that I trade.

I also took over the @hivehustlers community and attempting to bring it back from the depths by creating an entrepreneurial community and business resource for the Hive blockchain.

Not to mention building a new front end for the @naturalmedicine community at https://naturalmedicine.app as well as a front end and store for the @weedcash.network at https://weedcash.org and https://weedcash.store.

And now I am about to release my lastest project, https://contractlogic.app which is a 4 blockchain NFT marketplace and smart contract creator for ETH, BSC, XDAI, and MATIC(Polygon). So be looking out for all of that coming soon!

So not only have I been working on all of this and doing my food delivery service for my USD bill money, I have been focusing on really building my blogging and vlogging skills. The blogging is definitely better for the vanlife and for some ADD minds, lol. I can sit and think while I write. Also gives me the chance to go back and easily change things, lol. Video is definitely harder to deal with but I see where the long term benefit of really producing good quality content can get you.

So the goals for the next year is to really get the businesses tightened up and start marketing by producing some good video and other marketing content to start putting out on the mainstream markets so we can get our amazing network out there to the world! I am working on a makeshift studio setup in my storage unit, but at this point, just need to get a better computer for video creation and streaming.

The next goal is to really build my health! I am planning a microgreens step up using my work car that is having some major engine issues, so I am going green and recycling it. The engine still runs, just is starting to leak some coolant internally, which is not great, but can be used as a generator to produce power when the solar that I am going to install is not effective. Going to be a cool setup. I am wanting to bust up into my 40's like the Kool Aid Man!


Anyway, I keep myself busy to one keep building my stacks and keep the machine going to eventually be completely self sufficient in crypto and to show my kids that they can do it as well and show them how to keep building their stacks more than they already are! That and if you aren't making money, you are spending money... I would rather make money, lol.

My thing is, it's not work when you love what you do, and I LOVE building these platforms and love seeing the eventual affect that it can have on people on a global level. The last year has been an extremely humbling experience and I can't wait to see where the next year is going to take me!

Be Cool, Be Real, and always Abide!

If you like what I am doing, please consider voting for my Hive Engine witness with your staked WORKERBEE!


Or at









Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hustler/@thelogicaldude/another-trip-around-the-sun-means-new-goals

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