Sunday, May 23, 2021

My Actifit Report Card: May 23 2021

Hello Everyone!
Wishing you a peaceful day..
It was a sunny morning here. Throughout the day the sun was shining brightly. Yet I made some pedestrian to keep myself healthy. Today my score is pretty good that is over 8k steps.

At the time of noon I was near by garden, where the dry trees were cutting down. There was a beautiful black and white bird sitting on lodge. Second snap I want to take closely but it flew away. There is also some shadow of the trees that can be seen on the ground as well as lodge.

This is some of the beautiful nature sight.This tree has been planted on the tiraha so that the visiting passengers can sit and rest under it. There is also a fast food shop near to which people sometimes come to eat.

Now again it is beautiful One. There is some water due to rainfall. Beside it all around green trees and grass can be seen. Overall this is beautiful nature that can enjoy.
Hope you are also doing good to keep yourself fit and healthy.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Gardening, Walking

Originally posted here:

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