Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Learning to Move to the Beat of a Swiftly Changing World!



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Hello, everyone! Javier here, welcoming you to a new edition of Mindful Life. In a few hours we'll have an Eclipsed Full Moon in Sagittarius and the calling is to ditch the old and embrace the new, which isn't necessarily a pleasant process and can in fact be quite frustrating and painful, but necessarily all the same.

This curation is packed with insights about changing perspectives and building a new life with hope for tomorrow. Enjoy, and make sure to leave the authors a comment and upvote!

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I open the curation with this post by @katimar, who's relatively new to the platform and recently joined the community. Using the example of the sparrow hawk, a bird of prey that lives as long as the average human, she talks about renewal and making the choice to transform our life or get bogged down by circumstances. Give her a warm welcome!

Take the first step to a new lifestyle


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Next up we have a wonderful post by @josediccus, one of the best Nigerian content creators on Hive in my opinion. He tells us about the harsh life of his homeland and his difficult experience as a child in a context of extreme competition where he couldn't explore his passions or exercise his talents. Fortunately, that situation's changing and he ends with a bright note about freedom and opportunity.

A society in disarray, a paradox of equanimity


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Here's another heartfelt contribution by the dear @trucklife-family, who's starting to feel the pressure to move from her current home and for that, she has to put her truck-house in working order and then think of a place to move. While this is a challenge for her right now, she's taking it mindfully and I feel she's also lowkey excited about the change.

Musings about the rain and moving on


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In a similar note, we have another post by @mamrita on her process of development, discussing about mistakes, mental fixation, work-related stress and her need and ability to connect with her needs, honestly assessing her situation. Like all of her posts, this one is illustrated with lovely images of the landscapes in her location and great, useful personal insights.

Connecting to myself again after a very busy work week


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Talking about stress and disheartening circumstances, here's one great video by @selfhelp4trolls, where he talks about Choice and the capacity we all have to redirect our focus toward the outcomes we desire. It's almost ASMR-relaxing, to the point and really useful. Wherever we put our attention, that's where our energy flows, so a shift in perspective is a prerogative when things are tough.

The only thing you can control


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I conclude this curation with @julescape's latest post about Hindu tradition. In this case, he talks about a festival that's taking place as I write this post which precedes the first eclipse of the year and is related to Vishnu in his form as Narasinghdeva, a half-man, half-lion hybrid, and the story of a punishment he exacted upon a power-hungry demon who thought himself safe.

Narasinghadeva Chaturdasi festival today in India


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In every curation, we reward one of our delegators as a 5% beneficiary. This week I randomly chose @fenngen

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Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@naturalmedicine/learning-to-move-to-the-beat-of-a-swiftly-changing-world

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