Thursday, May 27, 2021

Surrendering to Public Health Officers.


The link above is to the official policy of the government of British Columbia, Canada. This policy is in force in response to a disease with a survival rate (according to our CDC), IF you get an illness “related” to “Covid”, of over 98% for the most at-risk people (over 80 with preexisting serious health problems i.e. people who are likely to die quite soon from illnesses they already have) and a survival rate of over 99.99% for healthy people under 30.

This disease is called an emergency. Since by any conceivable definition this reported disease could not possibly qualify as a public health emergency the use of the Emergency Program Act is unwarranted and would be struck down in any fair and unbiased court in this fair land if any such uncorrupted court could be found. I am very sad to say I do not believe any such court exists in Canada any longer.

Our country has been transformed into an insane ward where sane people are under guard and the guards are the ones who have lost their minds. I do not believe the absolute power which has been surrendered by our governments to Public Health Officers will ever be surrendered voluntarily by these so-called Officers. Our UBC administration was promised that restrictions would ease in march this year, then in the coming September and now we are to be released in the coming October. I don’t believe it. We’ll all be confined in the province wide nuthouse until spring of 2022, and then all summer of 2022, and then the fall and then the winter and then… And long before then we all will be permanently mentally damaged, especially the children who have heard hints of a mysterious monster inside every person they see and have seen masks on the faces of adults for a year now.

I wish to point out, once again as I have repeatedly during this last full year of “emergency”, that forcing people to undergo any medical procedure against their will is illegal under International covenants signed by the Canadian government and also illegal under our laws and our constitution.

Originally posted here:

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