Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Always take seasons out to rest.

As we walk through life every day it comes really easy for us to fall into serious pressure of over working ourselves, the drastic economic change is not helping out in any way as the price of necessary items continue to get on the rise all the time, this calls for the pressure to always put in more effort to work in order to earn a living and meet our everyday needs.

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The statement above may appear justifiable, we may live every day working extra hard with the excuse that we need to make a living but the reality of the excessive works we do begins to stare at us in the face clearly whenever there is a demand for our health. I always say that we only have the privilege to work hard whenever we are in good health, irrespective of how bad the financial situation may be, it does not provide us with the permission to excessively work out our brains until we hurt ourselves.

Consistent seasons of rest every day has a meaningful advantage to our health, the reason why we have so much energy to put into every day's work is simply because we have the good health to do that. No one can work consistently for long hours with a bad health and it makes it a necessity for us to maintain that health appropriately.

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When we learn how to take a brief moment of rest, it really helps the body become more energized to work. Even if our popular mentors continue to tell us about how important it is to push very hard without thinking about our health, we must understand that sometimes taking a little time to rest will help us accomplish even better results after the rest.

The quote ‘’Health is wealth’’ should never be underestimated, even if our generation fails to understand how important and valuable a good health is, it will not change the fact that it is only a person who has a sound health, mind and body that will be able to run the race of wealth accumulation and win successfully at it.

A lot of depression occurs whenever there is excessive work going into a particular thing and it does not seem that any valuable result is been gotten, before falling into a deep depression all you may need is sometime away to either lay down your back to rest, or just take out time to admire the beauty of nature and by the time you get back, you will feel energized enough to continue from where you have stopped or you will feel the great vibe to look at things in another direction and achieve something more interesting.

Originally posted here:

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