Tuesday, May 25, 2021



Nature is my only medicine " Sara Mos**.


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Hello dear #Hivers, I find today's topic extremely interesting, I'm going to tell you in detail how is my eating routine to keep me healthy internally and externally.


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As I told you in a previous post of #NaturalMedicine some time ago I suffered from exhaustion, arrhythmias, a small wear in the right lung product of being a passive smoker in both family and work environment, stress and others that if I continue counting I will not finish, thanks to a visit to a naturopathic homeopathic doctor who is now a friend, he detected all that in time through a magnetic resonance examination that analyzes in detail all the symptoms and every year I perform one to see how I am improving.


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In the same test it also gives the indications to follow to have a balanced diet as a first step, take the remedies at the right time, for that I created my scheme to follow to the letter such indications to obtain optimal results.


My Morning Timeline.jpg

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Most people in their diets are told to lose weight and my case is quite the opposite, they tell me to gain weight, most of my life I have weighed 45 kilos, sometimes a little more, but it costs me a lot to gain weight, I can weigh for example 47, I get the flu and I sneeze and immediately go down to 42 hahahahaha!

In my case I try to keep my body mass in tone because from the age of forty it tends to decrease so I try to eat well, while some people in their diets send them to have breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar so that carbohydrates do not harm them, I try to eat like a queen as often as I can hahaha, I replace water with divine fruit juices and when I make bread or arepas I include cassava, plantains, potatoes and pumpkin. Oh and the best thing is to eat your own harvest.

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For your enjoyment I recommend this recipe of pumpkin cake that I love, here I leave the ingredients and the direct link so you can see step by step how to prepare it :

Ingredients for Pumpkin Cake:

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour *see note on measuring.
  • 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar.
  • 1 tsp baking soda sifted to get rid of lumps.
  • 2 tsp baking powder.
  • 2 tsp cinnamon.
  • 3 large eggs room temp.
  • 1 cup oil extra light olive oil, vegetable or corn oil will work.
  • 15 oz pumpkin puree can.


It is of utmost importance that we take care of ourselves, what we eat today will be the reflection of our health tomorrow, this is totally true, to have peace and good mental health is our duty to ensure that our daily food is well balanced and of course thanking God for our daily bread.

Thanks for reading and here's to your health with this delicious mango juice!


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Narrated for you: Yenni Méndez
Source: Own photos.
Results of last year's
year 2020 Quantum Magnetic Resonance
Quantum Magnetic Resonance.
Free custom template generated in Canva
Recipe for pumpkin pancakes found at the following link:
Camera: My cool Redmi 7A phone.

> "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food."

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@yenmendt/my-food-routine

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