Friday, May 28, 2021

Amazing Nature Contest entry

Nature is an amazing thing! Look at what I grew!

I have made it part of my day to step away from my computer to check out the garden boxes that are planted in the back yard. It gives we a break and gets the blood flowing again after sitting and working. Two days ago my boxes were boring and bare with not a plant in sight. Now they are filled with the beginnings of cucumbers and squash. This is the first year for raised boxes to save my back and decrease the amount of weeding needed.


I also planted a few asparagus plants that I didn't expect to pop up this year at all. I haven't ever gown my own asparagus so we'll see how this goes. They are pretty small yet but fun to see.

The weather has been warmer with nice light rain showers and the plants are loving it and thriving. Now hoping for some warm sunshine for the plants and myself. Vitamin D does us all a bit of good. It's incredible to me what can happen given the right environment- a small seed can turn into an abundant harvest (at least I hope). It will take a little TLC on my part to help them to continue to grow and thrive but the end result it worth it.

We also planted watermelon, tomatoes and peas but I didn't get pictures of those today. Hoping to increase our intake of healthy, unprocessed foods this summer. Bonus if we can grow them ourselves. It also wont' hurt the grocery bill.

If anyone has and good recipes for cucumbers and squash let me know. I love to try new thing!

Amazing Nature Contest entry

Originally posted here:

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