Sunday, May 30, 2021

Benefits of Tomatoes in Everyday Human Life.


Benefits of Tomatoes in Everyday Human Life.

Good afternoon, how are you at this time ...?
Hopefully you are still in the protection of God Almighty and are not less than one thing.

Tomato fruit or has the name Solanum lycopersicum is one of the fruits which is also included in the vegetable category, this fruit is very easy to find in the market even the price is relatively very cheap. Tomatoes are one of the easiest vegetables to consume because they can be processed into juices, salads, sandwiches, and various dishes. This vegetable is also good for consumption by children and adults. Tomatoes come in various types and sizes, such as cherry tomatoes, large tomatoes, green tomatoes and red tomatoes.


On this occasion I will discuss the benefits of tomatoes for the health of the human body, tomatoes are a fruit, but in general, tomatoes are categorized as vegetables. Tomatoes are a source of vitamin C, potassium, folate and vitamin K, when ripe they will usually be red but it is possible that other types of tomatoes will be yellow, orange, green and purple.

What are the benefits? let's look at the following explanation of the first benefits, namely tomatoes can increase immunity, the content of lycopene in tomatoes as an antioxidant can ward off free radicals that can damage cells and your immune system.


Several studies have shown that tomatoes can prevent diseases in the pancreas, colon, throat, mouth, breasts and cervix.

The second benefit is that tomatoes are very good for heart health, the content of lycopene can also help reduce bad cholesterol levels and can lower blood pressure, therefore, this is what reduces the chance of developing heart disease other nutrients in tomatoes such as vitamins B, E and flavonoids can be found. improve heart health.

The third benefit is that tomatoes are very good for eye health, tomatoes contain lutein and zeaxanthin which can protect the eyes from blue light that comes from digital devices such as smartphones, and computers. Tomatoes can also help keep the eyes from feeling tired and relieve headaches from eye fatigue.


The fourth benefit, tomatoes are very good for lung health, some studies show tomatoes are very beneficial for people who suffer from asthma and can help prevent emphysema, this is because lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin can fight harmful substances in tobacco smoke which are the main cause. emphysema.

The next benefit is that tomatoes can prevent stroke, research shows that tomatoes relieve inflammation, boost the immune system, lower cholesterol levels and keep your blood from clotting. That is what can prevent stroke.


Tomato fruit is certainly beneficial for the health of the body, this fruit can lower cholesterol, prevent diabetes and cancer and stork, maintain healthy skin and eyes, and improve brain function and improve digestion.

Thus the benefits of tomatoes in everyday life for the health of the human body, therefore it is better if you consume this fruit regularly for your health.

Originally posted here:

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