Tuesday, May 11, 2021

One Stage of the Journey is Over, Another Begins!



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Hello, everyone! Javier here with another edition of Mindful Life, celebrating the Magic of living right on a New Moon day. This curation focuses on stories of self-discovery, transformation, adventure and exploration of the nature of reality. After all we've been through in the past year, I'm sure most of us are pondering how to adapt to the new world that's rising, so perhaps we can learn a thing or two by reading what others have to share about their own processes, with their unique challenges but with the same underlying goals as us. Show your appreciation for these authors with your upvotes and engagement!

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Let's open the curation with this great and pretty detailed post by @phoenixwren, who shares with us a summary of his life's experience with trauma, and particularly, of the constant alertness and intensity of energy that he experienced as a kid and a teenager, and the shift that occurred when he was 18 years old. It's a compelling and admirably transparent rendition of a very personal topic.



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Then we have this interesting dissertation by @thoughts-in-time, a continuation of previous publications in which he strives to promote debate about the fundamental concepts of reality such as free will, self-questioning and intelligence, among others. What do you think about the perspectives he offers here? I'm sure he'll be delighted to get your insights on these matters.

Would domino people know they're doing domino things?


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Do you feel like your current context or location doesn't live up to the standards you've developed for yourself? That's what @ravenking13's been going through of late, and he's currently selling everything and leaving his country with his partner to build a new life somewhere more apt to their worldview. He has a few ideas but no definite plans except leaving Europe, he'd certainly appreciate suggestions and any support you can give.

Great prison break


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I often swipe left on posts with a lot of selfies because they normally have nothing to do with the topic being discussed, it's more like the author wants to be seen, which isn't wrong but doesn't provide much value to the publications. However, this post by @fenngen is quite different, as he uses the pictures as a guiding thread to share a vision of his multidimensionality and thus give thanks for his physical form.

Appreciating my 3D avatar and its many phases


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Have you ever had any experiences with oracles? They're wonderful and powerful tools for understanding our environments and ourselves. In this beautiful contribution, @freemotherearth shows us her collection of Tarot decks and her set of Runes, each of which she's used both on herself and on others often through the years, as a means to decipher and clear the codes and signals around her. Gorgeous post!

Translating the wisdom of your intuition


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I conclude this curation with another magical/ritualistic note. In this article, @holisticmom shares the results of a guided meditation she carried out in 2018, where she connected with a past life or ancestral memory of a woman with great clarity. It's a powerful experience which, interestingly enough, took place just two days after a ceremony I attended, which was extremely important for my process.

Past life regression guided meditation


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This week I set our moderator @pavanjr as a 20% beneficiary of the post's rewards, as a small token of consideration and support for the recent passing of his father. Blessings unto you, brother.

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Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@naturalmedicine/one-stage-of-the-journey-is-over-another-begins

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