Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Water is Benefit for the Healthy of the human Body

Some people times it difficult to drink water compated to dringking coffee or tea. Even through our bodies need quite a lot of water.


Consuming water is also a healthy lifestyle, part of the consumtion of water is considered less important. Even though the body at least need fluid intake in order to work more optimally in daily activities.

Humans will involve several important organs, from the start the heart,lungs,joint,saliva,and mucus are very dependent on water.

Lack of water intake will result in dehydration, as I feel when there is mild dehydration in the thoat or dry lips. Weakners in the body,to increase in body temperature. Lack of concentration in as much as 50 to 60 percent of the adult human body consusts of water according to body weight.


Requarly around 1500 to 2500 ml per day or about 220 ml for a glasses to keep the body healthy.
What benefits are obtained when we drink water.
** Such as maintaining stable flood pressure**. Lack of blood or dialysise in usually associated with an unhealthy life style, water is important so that the blood is kept stable and is easy with human body movement optimally due to adequate water intake.

For skin healthy. The human body still drink enough water will have good skin contours. The process of burning can also be constructed when cell generation takes place during sleep,and skin will not dry.

Protect infection from disease.
Poor hydration can be a in various health problems, in organs such as the heart,lungs,kidneys and bladder. Consume the recommended a mount of water regularly to keep your kidneys healthy.

Help reduce weigh. By drinking water before eating,will make you feel a little full and in the end make you feel full quickly. This will reduce you food consumption and will help you lose weigh.

All the benefits of water must be support by well preserved water supplay in terms of process until it is consumed by the community. Of least there are some subtrances contained in water such as **magnesium,calcium,porassium,zinc and others.


I have been drinking for long time using bolted water, the source of that water is from volcanic mountaine through clinical trials by experts, it is long processed until it can be consumed. Thank you.

Originally posted here:

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