Sunday, May 30, 2021

The Chicken of the Woods Mushroom (Laetiporus Sulphureus)

Greetings hunters,

This year I started exploring nature in whole nother level, especially medicinal mushrooms and plants that grow all around us. We just have to look for it and have a little bit of knowledge.


My family, especially father has been mushroom hunter whole his life, knowledge passed from generations and was taking me with him even before I was able to walk. Took me in the woods when I was a baby.

I was mostly interested in those uncommon, so called rare mushrooms that always felt like they were something special. Now learning that those "weird" looking and really hard to find and lots of others we didn't know about have all their special benefits and most of mushrooms have their own medicinal benefits.


Today I went on a walk in place i haven't visited for over 10 years.. in the middle of unknown, losing my path and knowing where I was, I stumbled on an abandoned house with old fruit trees and seeing a mushroom on it I recognized right away.


Forgot how dad used to call it, but I quickly found out it's called Chicken in the woods mushroom. First I had no idea why, I forgot what it tasted like, but I remember we ate a lot of soups with it, even though it's harder to find and normaly grows on the same tree multiple times.


Lucky not many people know about it. Had a working sunday since early morning, drove over 1000 kilometers today, went on a short hike I wanted for a long time, found new paths and was rewarded with this delicious, chicken flavoured and really healthy dinner as a reward.


Decided to take a few shots of it and share it a little bit with you, I could copy and paste all it's benefits, effect, but I mostly want to share that is out there.


Mushrooms can heal many deseases, increase our imune system, repair or even enhance our nervous system, decrease/ help prevent inflammations and even cure canser, and many more...

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Encouraging everyone to google it up or find it in a mushroom book and learn a tiny bit more about these super foods nature gives us that farmacy doesn't want us to know about. I'm still learning a lot about it and will never stop.

Check out a bit more here, was looking while I was preparing for cooking :

I hope everyone had a great weekend and a beautiful sunday!

My next totally new mushroom to me I'm exploring, but saw it many, maany times that can heal:

  • Turkey tail mushroom (one of the most underrated mushrooms)
We all are mushrooms!

Thank you for your time, have a great day and most of all..
.. stay Happy, Strong & Healthy my fellow mushrooms hunters

Originally posted here:

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