Wednesday, May 26, 2021

How Healthy is my Morning Drink? | Basil, Chia, and Psyllium Seeds!

Keeping up a healthy morning routine is not easy for me. I have usually driven away by my responsibilities. But noticed how negatively it was making an impact throughout my day. It's not like I never felt I need to find alternatives. But I guess, I'm too lazy to keep a healthy life!

I know, it's not a good habit but let me be honest. I'm learning, figuring out what can help, and trying to keeping up a better life.

Basil, Chia, and Psyllium Seeds, all together!

I was looking for something that can help me keep up good health, make my stomach full, let me feel less hungry throughout the day. And trying this new drink for a few days...

I usually wake up very early in the morning. But take the breakfast with my family; my son and husband usually wake up later. So I was searching for something healthy that can make me feel less hungry before taking breakfast. And it's working well.


How I prepare it?

I usually add half a teaspoon of three seeds and keep them overnight. This drink is without any sugar or honey. But later, I added one teaspoon of honey for a couple of days. Because I was not loving the taste!

They become fluffy and the drink becomes very thick. I don't know if you would like the texture.

How it tastes?

Not so good. Adding the Psyllium Seeds makes it too rough. Maybe I should go with the husk, not the seeds. Also, as I'm not adding any sugar or honey so it tastes very raw. Adding a teaspoon of sugar can be a clever idea.

Later, I thought to skip Basil and Psyllium Seeds, because I was sure I couldn't keep up with them anymore.

So now, I stick with the chia seeds only.


How does it affect me?

I'm surely feeling less hungry throughout my day. I'm doing this to lose some weight also, so I'm very hopeful that it will help me in that.

Also, I didn't notice any gut problem consuming three types of seeds at a time. Though I thought three types of seed would be a little too much for me. I only stop consuming the basil and psyllium seeds because of their rough taste.

What could be my suggestion?

There's no need to say, how healthy three of the seeds are. They all have many nutrients and full of fiber. Also, Chia seeds are considered one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

So you can intake any of the three or three/two at a time. If you feel any gut problem, don't like the taste, stick with one. Or shuffle adding them into your drink.

What do you think?

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