Sunday, May 30, 2021

Good food for a good mood!

Food has a direct connection with our health, not just physical health but mental health as well. You may already know eating healthy food can help boost our immune system and mood as well. This is just a reminder so you don't forget to take a balanced diet!



There is a saying that you become what you eat. Well, not in a literal meaning though. But yeah, it's true food will definitely make an impact on our lives. It makes us healthy, impacts our mood and all.

Let's look up some facts!

"Carbohydrate-based foods can cause us to feel an unbalanced crash. On the other hand, healthy eating helps keep our blood sugar stable."

This means when we choose to eat a healthy, more protein-based diet, adds good fat like nuts in our diet, reduce taking junk foods; it helps to balance our blood sugar and thus improves our mood. Also, much research shows that eating fresh fruits and vegetables helps us to feel good and positive.

You can get many other related facts showing how good food can make us be in a good mood.

We need to understand that eating good doesn't mean we need to take what we like to eat. Like chocolates, junk food, or ice cream. It's true that when you will start to shift our food from unhealthy to healthy, we may not like it. But we need to learn how to make it enjoyable.

There are many recipes you can find online which will teach you to make healthy yet delicious food. Try to understand you need this shift to make your life better. I hope this will help a lot!

Originally posted here:

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