Sunday, May 23, 2021

Traumas from muscle tiredness. Not cool at all:) Plus book continuation

Hi, guys!

Do you know what a tired muscle injury is? Not the one you get in the gym from exercising too much. The one that you get in everyday life due to the fact that you used to move too little.

The other day I listened to a podcast from my guru, Jana Frank, and she again talked about the importance of daily walks. It is quite obvious that our body needs this for normal functioning and the value of such activities is difficult to overestimate, only we do not always allocate enough time for this. That is, we do not select until our body forces us, often in a rough form. When a person comes to the doctor and he says that if he does not immediately take up his physical activity, something very bad will happen.

This is exactly what happened to my guru. Before, before the quarantine, she was a super active person, and after the first lockdown she started to get seriously depressed, and moving enough every day became more difficult and difficult for her. Eventually she realized that she had reached the point where she hardly moved at all. He only works from home and almost never goes outside. It almost ended badly - she had adhesive disease, which was aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle, and she was almost forced to undergo major surgery. But I started to move, move a lot, and now everything seems to be better.

I looked at my daily activity and realized that despite the fact that I again had the opportunity to go to the gym three times a week, this is too little. There I do stretching, which is super healthy in itself, but it's a passive exercise. At the beginning of the workout, they actively move for about 20 minutes to warm up the muscles, and then give them a passive load, stretching. That is, this is not a movement in the literal sense of the word, but a dynamic load is needed, albeit light, but long in time. Take a walk, for example.

Yesterday I walked for 2 hours with my dog. At the end, I bent over to give her water and a sharp pain pierced my neck. It really hurt unbearably, and it still hurts unbearably. Here it is, a muscle fatigue injury that was not ready for such a turn of events.

Our body gives us energy every day. If we do not use it, the next day they will give us less, then even less, and so on until they stop giving at all. And if we are active and ask for more, we are also gradually raised the limit. The main thing is not to forget about it, and with gratitude use the given resources for your own benefit :)


I'm about 25 years old here, and super active:)

Continuation of my fantasy book:

"Mark walked over and stood next to Felix.

-Come on, he will be Novak. How do you like green? You’re new in our squadron.

The goblin considered, then nodded.

-What's Novak now?

-Novak, Novak, -confirmed Felix, -You will be my squire. Oh, shield-bearer! - and gave the goblin his shield.

He immediately bent under his weight, becoming like a clumsy turtle, but tried to maintain the maximum goblin dignity.

-Now Che-Novak, Novak is the squire of the handsome tiefling!

Damian took a few steps towards the makeshift turtle, passed his hand in the air above him, clouds of black smoke and sparks escaped from his fingers.

-Master, what is he doing, huh? The goblin glanced at the mage suspiciously.

-It's just a precautionary measure, damn it, -said the elf, -Do you think to betray Felix - and the great underground worm Caterpilius will burst out of the ground and devour your soul, -Damian spoke in such a voice, as if offering a goblin a cup of tea. He, in turn, gave a loud yelp and dropped the shield on himself, completely hiding under it.

Lars walked around the shield structure and leaned into the magician's sharp ear.

-Did you seriously curse him?

The elf nodded. And the next second, the druid heard a soft voice in his head.

-No, I just threw dust in my eyes. Now he will at least think twice.

-I think we need to study what's in the depths of the cave! - in the eyes of Jane, research excitement lit up.

-My dear, are you sure? -Damian shook his head doubtfully,- We were hired to remove the goblins. I don't see goblins here."

See you in the next post!
Love, Inber

Originally posted here:

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