Friday, May 28, 2021

Bitter melon/bitter gourd

Hello dear and friends Assalam O Alaikum hope you all are well. Today here is a best healthy food which is bitter but so healthy for health is bitter melon




which is every where in this world most of people ignore this vegetable but that is wrong. They do not know the benefits of this special food if they know it they absolutely will eat. Some of people say that this is bitter we don't like it. I would like to say them if you fall ill you will go to doctor and he will also give you bitter tablet. Then you will eat happily. But not bitter melon why ? Because you are ignore it. In this world the main problem is to live healthy life in every home there must be one or two patients who take medicines daily. Because they are not give attention towards health. If someone use walk daily basis in the morning only one hour he will be free of most diseases. And most of people use fast food daily and they have obesity and also they get ill on few months. I will suggest you that it is good take vegetables than medicines . So today i will explain the bitter melon and its benefits. Today we are cooking and also suggesting you to take this delicious food in you daily life.

**Benefits from bitter melon **

  1. Can Help Reduce Blood Sugar and keep diabetes away from you

  2. May Have Cancer-Fighting Properties it can fight if you have cancer.

  3. Could Decrease Cholesterol Levels

  4. May Aid Weight Loss

  5. Bitter melon is full of nutrients.

It has Fiber
It is rich in vitamin C
It has vitamin A
It has Folate
It has potassium
It has zink
It has iron
And many other.


Originally posted here:

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