Wednesday, May 19, 2021

💪Week 2: Lifft 4 Chest/Triceps Circuit Workout💪

💪 Week 2 : Lifft 4 Chest/Triceps Circuit Workout💪

Another hard one, but I kinda like the hard work. Today was a tough weight lifting day as you will see with the gifs below. Also, There are 2 blocks of weightlifting, a burnout round and 1 block of Core. Instead 2 weightlifting moves in this block you do 4 moves in each block still 3 rounds and 10 reps each. So a lot of weightlfting today! Even though I love strength training, I still find it quite challenging but so happy no cardio today!

🏋️‍♀️ Block 1: Decline press,Skull crushers, Rotating press and Single Side crusher!🏋️‍♀️


Crushers and Presses! Love the burn! 🔥

Yup 4 moves this program doesn’t play around. First move is Decline Chest Press, did 8 pounds on this move and was so much fun. It is a bridge/ chest press, challenging but in a good way! Second move is skull crushers, felt strong so did 8 pounds on this move and felt strong. Next move was Rotating Press was challenging but got it done! The last move in this block was my favorite , which is Single Side Crusher! It was hard but simple, which I love! Love this move did 5 pounds(tried 8s, not there yet) and got it done. I love this move because makes me feel so strong!

Block 2: Chest Press, Tricep Press, Chest Fly and Kickbacks


Presses, Flys and KickBacks! I Got This!

First move is the Chest Press. Like this chess move, probably the chest move I struggle least with. Did 8 pounds on this one. Second move is , this move is harder than it sounds which is the reason I only did 8 pounds with it. It was quite challenging!

The third move is Chest Fly. I struggled so bad only could do with 8s but I finished it which in the end that’s what matters! The last move is the dreaded Kickbacks and man did I feel it did 5 pounds was a struggle but I finished it. Tried 8 pounds, but arms were like no lol


Burnout Block time! Wide Push Up and Tricep Push up


Thats Right One More Block To Make You Feel Dead 💀

Yup this block you do 30 seconds of Wide Push-Ups, which the move isn’t that bad. However since you done a lot of upper body moves, I felt the struggle. Then do Tricep Push-Ups for 30 seconds. Once I was done, I was push up out lol Was a struggle and 3 rounds of this , I was so proud of myself finishing it because it was not easy.


Last Block(Core Round): Flutter kicks (Reverse Toe Tap) and Windshied Wipers


Ugg Core Moves! Ahhh!!!

The one thing I have said before wasn’t sure about the core moves but I’m going to try it, even though not in an way tryng to get abs. But I am willling to do the program the best I can. Had to do the modifaction on the flutter kicks and do reverse toe taps. For 30 seconds for each move 3 rounds of this defintely felt it! I struggle with these moves,but did what my best and in the end thats all that matters.


🤔 Final Thoughts On Lifft 4 Chest/Triceps Circuit Workout 🤔

Well definitley challenging but I love the weightlifting. Probably my favorite program(other than body beast) so far. Even though you do 30 reps total for each move, once you complete all the rounds. The core moves are challenging and what I struggled with the most but I knew once I got through the core version it was all over. I am glad did not have any hiit today, glad to do a lot of weightlifting today. I do wonder how sore I be tomorrow , looking forward to it lol

🌟Woohoo I Survived the Workout🌟

I may be wiped out, but I am glad I finished. Even though I had to take a few breaks. At the end of the day, I finished my workout at my pace and did the best I can! I may not break any records but I am one step closer to achieving my goal to be at a more healthy weight!

Are you doing any workouts or following a certain workout program?

Are you just doing a cardio program?

Does it involve weights or a mixture of both?

Let me know in the comments!

Side Note: Pictures were made by me or made with bitmoji app. Gifs made with giphycam and giftshop apps Banners made from @calumam. Click on the following link to get a free to use steemit monsters banner! @calumam/steemmonsters-more-dividers-for-the-community

Originally posted here:

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