Sunday, May 16, 2021

Viruses are misidentified exosomes

My exosomes are exclusively mine & yours are exclusively yours!
This means that there are nearly 7 billion variants!
How cool is that?
It is nothing to be afraid of......
Embrace your immune system & it's efficient waste disposal.
Don't let poor science mislead you into fear of yourself.
That would be self-defeating & unrealistic.


(Image: Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of exosomes isolated by differential centrifugation, ultrafiltration and size exclusion chromatography were placed on copper grids, stained with uranyl acetate and examined. Note their vesicular morphology and the size range, which does not exceed 50 nm. The TEM image was acquired and generously provided by Dr. Sonja Funk.)

I encourage my readers to research Terrain Theory and exosomes, don't just take my word for it.

Having raised this matter I question -


The phrase “I believe in science” may be one of the most ridiculous things a person can say in this age of information.
What this statement has come to mean is: “I believe in the current scientific consensus.” or “I trust the scientific results in this study posted right below” it also implies that “anyone who disagrees with me is anti-science, and I have no reason to listen to them”.

Not often do we realise that a person can find scientific evidence to back up any belief they have about the world.
There was once a scientific consensus that smoking was good for you. Not just benign… but a healthy life choice.
Science once told us it would be a good idea to spray DDT directly on the skin of people - including children until it was recognised causing polio.
Science told us Vioxx (a drug for arthritis) was safe and it ended up causing 140,000 heart attacks and killing about 50,000 people!

Thalidomide is a drug that was developed in the 1950s by the West German pharmaceutical company Chemie Grünenthal GmbH. It was originally intended as a sedative or tranquiliser, but was soon used for treating a wide range of other conditions, including colds, flu, nausea and morning sickness in pregnant women until babies were born with drastic deformities.
It is now used to treat a number of cancers (including multiple myeloma), graft-versus-host disease, and a number of skin conditions including complications of leprosy. It has been used in a number of HIV-associated conditions too.

Why do I bring up these instances? (There are many more unfortunately!)
To show that, unless science is your religion, science is not meant to be a belief system. Science is meant to be a process. The minute you “believe” in science is the minute you give away your critical thinking skills because a study tells you how to think.

True scientists do not “believe” in scientific results so much as they believe in the process. They have the understanding that science is always changing. We will never “arrive” to a place and time where we know all there is to know.

Science often leaves us with more questions than answers.
Science is meant to be questioned, not blindly believed.


The final issue I have with this statement is that most science has been bought by our capitalistic and reductionist culture. They only study the things that can make money and only those with money can fund the science that they “believe” in.

Pharmaceutical corporations study what a drug or supplement does to one part of our body without looking at how it affects the whole person long term.
An example of this would be how there is a lack of science on the physiological, normal birth process because midwives don’t have the money to fund it. But when you’re trying to sell pitocin, fetal monitors and epidurals to hospitals suddenly there’s a lot of science done.

There isn’t much research being done on the effects of a solid community surrounding a newly postpartum mother, but there's endless research on the drugs we can give for postpartum depression.

“Science is too delicate for market forces to govern. It turns scientists into salesman” - Bret Weinstein.

Science is a tool that helps us understand the world.
Science is not a religion.
Science is not a weapon to use against people who don’t agree with you.

If you read an article that cites a study, tells you how to think and then asks no questions, take it with a grain of salt. If it seems to have everything about this subject figured out, move on. Filter any scientific result through your own personal devil's advocate.

What does your gut tell you intuitively?
How does it compare to the biological norm?
How does it compare to what you know to be true in the world?

For the love of all life, when someone else has a different scientific opinion - can we engage in a calm discussion rather than an argument?

That would be truly scientific.


This is my 1,000th article & they are all archived here:
If you wish to contact me you may email:

Originally posted here:

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