Friday, May 14, 2021

Understanding viral Infection and what it really means..

So the term virus was coined after someone put diseased plant cells next to healthy plant cells.. What happened was not contagion Instead it was healthy cells trying to get rid of the diseased cells by turning the healthy cells into waste collection cells (abtibody cells), the next step is apoptosis of disease cells if all goes well. "Self sacrifice, programmed cell death" using protiein packaged lipid exosomes!


The communication and moving around of toxins via extracellular vesicles looks like viruses because at the time exosomes were not known, now we know viruses are and have always been nano particles that move around toxic cells and send signals to other cells to do the same.If this signalling is blocked due to certain drugs or autoimmune diseases caused by vaccines or simply killing off the microbiome then the exosomes from healthy cells get destroyed and only diseased cells release exosomes which they will no longer cause apoptosis in their parents cell or other cells carrying the same mutation from the toxin.


The only way to overcome this is by activating reg-t cells so they can release smarter exosomes to cause apoptosis in the diseased cells.

This process was unknown but is now clearly known in the medical profession but is being restricted as it points to many individuals in the field of allopathic medicine as fraudsters and murderers.

If you think of viral infections meaning "internal reaction to stress or toxins" then yes there are viral infections.


Our body is trying to create homeostasis all the time, if it's not in this state then there will be dis-ease and that's because the process of recovery or detoxification causes people to feel unwell.

This sickness/unwellness cannot be spread to other people.

But signalling can spread from one organism to another like yawning and Itching or other visual things can lead to people being sick or in shock etc, this is not contagious but could look like it is.

Group or mass Hysteria is what we have now with covid-19 which can spread by fear etc no virus needed…. This actually is actually the nearest thing to a contagious or infectious disease...


If people are in a similar toxic environment they will likely develop similar symptoms of detoxification. The viruses are the healers of the body not the problem. It's just been named wrong as exosomes are not poisonous..

The allopathic treatment to stop viruses/exosomes from functioning actually leads to cancers and other neurological disorders and autoimmune diseases.


Disturbing actually

Germ Theory has created the virus Theory before that we had the bad air Theory and Terrain theory.

The miss interpretations of contagious viruses and diseases and the fear of this pushed this germ Theory to the front..


In reality our health improved because we got rid of the toxic spread of pollution and toxic waste, showered more in clean water, we cleaned the environment up, stopped burning organic matter so much.. we ate more healthy food, lots of things caused better health an wellness, it had nothing to do with stopping viruses or preventing detoxification process within this would have lead to more chronic diseases actually such as cancers..

If you got a virus your good doctor would tell you to rest and eat better and drink plenty of water.. apple a day....

That's our way of helping the viruses detox the sickness out of us.

Bad doctors will tell you to take medication or a vaccine which stops your body from healing but instead covers up the illness so you can get back to work etc..


This will cause lasting damaging health problems. Joint pain, fatigue, back pain, gut problems, heart problems, dementia the list goes on so then you will need more medications.

Doctors are becoming legalized drug pushers for the pharmaceutical companies .


Originally posted here:

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