Friday, May 14, 2021

Spinach is a great natural superfood, but ......

....... did you know that it is extra good for you when cooked. And, if you eat too much raw spinach there is a big likelihood it can be causing your body more harm than good. Perhaps this is not news to some but I bet that the average Joe Blow has no idea. All we hear about is how beneficial spinach is to our health; it boosts the immune system, protects us from toxins and bad bacteria, adds a shine to our hair, increases our vitality, excellent for digestion etc, as well as being full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals like calcium, magnesium, vitamin E, iron, vitamin K and phosphorous.

This is definitely a green light to eating loads of baby spinach. Grabbing packets or handfuls of this vegetable in both fruit and veggies stalls and supermarkets is almost automatic as we push the trolley down the aisles. There is a need have spinach is on hand for green smoothies, salads and stir fries etc. 10 Health Benefits from the Wonder Food Spinach

However, there are downside to eating too much spinach and sadly they are not as readily available as are the benefits for the everyday individual. It is a learn as one goes kind of process for most people, especially when something is not right with your body. Like what happened to friend of mine recently. She was suffering with a sore low back and sore knees and could not work out why. She sought answers and eventually a clever healer naturopath/iridologist told her that of the downsides of eating raw spinach.; it contains oxalic acid that inhibits the absorption of such nutrients as calcium and magnesium which not only affects bones and joints in the body, but also causes the development kidney stones for some people.

Health experts and consumer experts recommend you cook your spinach. Surprisingly cooking spinach is very quick and easy, oxalic acid content is loweredby 40%. Cooking Vegetables Also be aware that other popular healthy foods such as nuts, seeds and sweet potatoes also contain oxalic acid. I for one love all these foods.

Everything in moderation is the key. Balancing raw vegetables with cooked vegetables is the answer. Everyone's body is different of course but being informed on the values and downsides the food you eat can only be seen as a plus. The really positive outcome with my friends' health scare is that once she stopped eating oxalate ladened foods, the pain in her back and knees stopped.

Does anyone remember the very old cartoon 'Popeye?' This strong muscly sailor gave the message that eating spinach made you strong. I wonder who copied him?

Raw or cooked, spinach is in lots of dishes.

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Goodbye from me, appreciate you dropping by.

Originally posted here:

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