Monday, May 17, 2021

The Grow System Summit: Free May 21-23

By Neenah Payne

Registration is now open for the free Grow System Summit which will be held online May 21-23. The summit will be hosted by Marjory Wildcraft, Founder of The Grow Network and author of The Grow System Book: The Essential Guide to Modern Self-Sufficient Living from Growing Food to Making Medicine. Marjory says:

“From Friday, May 21 through Sunday, May 23, I will welcome 10 self-sufficiency, food growing, and herbal healing experts to join us as we delve into what it means to live self-sufficiently today.”

Become Self-Reliant: Grow Your Own Foods and Medicines

Marjory says in the video below,

“I’m the founder of The Grow Network. We’re a movement of 454,714 people who are growing homegrown food. While we’re doing that, we’re getting healthier, happier, and wealthier. It is time right now to become more self-reliant -- to grow your own food and make your own medicines -- to regain those skills that used to be common knowledge among our ancestors. Your grandparents and your great grandparents knew how to do this stuff.

Did you know that you can grow about half of your own food in a backyard sized space? It’s pretty easy to learn how to treat the 12 most common ailments that come up in a family -- using natural medicines, herbs, or possibly those weeds that are growing right by your doorstep and you don’t realize what powerful medicine they are. Come join us for The Grow System Summit and become free!”

Welcome to The Grow System Summit 2021 from The Grow Network on Vimeo.

Marjory adds:

“Imagine growing enough food to slash your grocery shopping in half—all in less than an hour a day in your own backyard . . .Imagine being able to treat the 12 most common ailments that come up in your family—with herbs you grew yourself . . .Imagine being healthier than you've ever been, closer to your family and friends, and your connection to your source so strong you have mystical experiences . . .

It's all possible with The Grow System. My new book provides a comprehensive strategy for producing healthy food and herbal medicine at home and reclaiming the skills our ancestors used every day. It's a book about true wealth and how to grow the things that can't be bought with money. Over the past 20 years, I've become a recognized expert on living self-sufficiency, and now I'm sharing all of my knowledge in this powerful book – which is being called a "bible" for self-sufficient living in today's world. I've learned that "true wealth" doesn't come from money but rather by being able to protect and provide for your family in any conditions (and particularly when things get difficult). In this book, I share all of my best self-sufficiency strategies – nothing is left out."

When you pre-order The Grow System book, you get free gifts.

Watch the five episodes of the Grow System Podcast Series:

  1. The 5 simple keys to true health
  2. The riches found in your family
  3. Who's got your back?
  4. Invest your time wisely
  5. Why do you do it?

Join The Grow Network: Keep Your Journal Online

It’s free to sign up for The Grow Network at:

Wildcraft reports what she learned as a beginner gardener:

“What I am going to give you will dramatically improve your yields in homesteading -- if you use it regularly,” Butch declared. “Keeping a journal of what you planted, when you bred that livestock, your notes of the first robins in spring, how much it rained, and how much you harvested is the most important work you do on your homestead,” Butch said. “And it will vastly improve the yields of everything you do.”

Wildcraft adds:

“This truth of keeping a journal to improve yourself applies not only to homesteading, but also to every other aspect of your life. Journaling is so important that I’ve asked Jimerson, the TGN IT director, to create an area on our website where you can keep your own record. You can make your online journal completely private, invite only certain friends to read it, or make it public so that everyone in the Community can see it.

This is really useful when you have a project you want to share or collaborate on with other members of the TGN Community …… or when you have a problem, which – let’s face it – happens from time to time when you homestead and garden.

To get to your journal, log in to the TGN website and go to your dashboard. Just below the place where you put up your profile photo is the journal area we’ve set up for you.”

Protect Yourself From The Increasing Food Shortages

Food Is A Double National Security Issue shows that 40% of Americans waiting up to 12 hours in food lines were never food insecure before 2020. Curtis Stone, The Urban Farmer, warns about more food shortages and provides tips on how to grow lots of food on small plots. See his book The Urban Farmer.

Also see: from the Ice Age Farmer -- Brace For Impact: Food Inflation And Shortages “About To Get Much Worse.”

Russia has better food security than America because many Russians have homes and gardens outside cities. The story behind dachas, Russia’s storybook country cottages reports:

“Dachas are a place to temporarily escape urban life and reconnect with nature by growing your own food. According to the Moscow Times in 2019, it is estimated that nearly 60 million Russians own dachas (almost half the entire population). Most contemporary dachas are owned by middle- and upper-class Russians….People go to their dachas to escape the city on weekends and to spend holidays in the summer.”

The Greater Reset: Self-Sufficiency

The Answer to the Technocratic State and the Domestic Extremism Propaganda by Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance sounds the alarm. It is an essential wake-up call to take action NOW! Derrick chose the name “THE GREATER RESET” as the people’s alternative to The Great Reset. The first event was held from January 25-29 with a bonus day on January 31 because The World Economic Forum held its meetings then. The second series of The Greater Reset is scheduled to be from May 25-28 when the World Economic Forum holds its second session. Watch Activist Post for the announcement.

The article shows the schedule for THE GREATER RESET. Over 150,000 viewers from around the world tuned in. See speakers and topics for each day. Recordings are available for free for Day 1 (Agora), Day 2 (Health), Day 3 (Nature), Day 4 (Digital), Day 5 (Community), and Bonus Day. Spanish audio versions are available on the new podcast channel. The event was inspiring on a level that can be understood only by watching the videos!

Jonathan Ramirez, a permaculture designer at his Thriving Earth Farm in Tennessee, gave a very comprehensive presentation on how to create a sustainable lifestyle. Jonathan is a permaculture practitioner just outside of Nashville Tennessee. He has close to 15 years of experience in organic and subsistence farming, permaculture design, homesteading, survival skills, agroforestry, regenerative forestry, carpentry, edible mushroom cultivation, wild foraging, livestock management, and more.

Jonathan’s Thriving Earth Farm is a highly diverse 18-acre farm where he and his family homestead, farm, and teach workshops in sustainable living. He believes the path towards human freedom must involve reforging our direct and sacred human connection to the earth and to our own survival.

The 51 photos in the slideshow on Jonathan’s site show the enormous abundance his farm produces.

Off Grid With Doug and Stacy

The 2014 video A Catastrophic Blackout is Coming - Here’s How We Can Stop It shows that the grid is vulnerable in many ways. The only solution it proposes is for the US government to spend money shoring up the grid. Since the odds of that happening are minuscule, many people are taking things into their own hands by going off-grid now.

Back To The Land - 2014 Style shows that this movement has been building momentum for a variety of reasons. It points out:

“One of the obvious offshoots of the current localvore movement in Vermont is that individuals wishing to participate in this wonderful trend need land. And not just any land. The land must be fertile, well drained with good exposure and orientation. No small measure for a state that has more than its share of north facing slopes, shallow soils and wetlands.

The vast majority of people contacting me about real estate are expressing a need for the property they buy to be able to support at least some agricultural activities including raising animals, growing crops, woodland management all within communities that are similarly engaged. To no small degree am I reminded of the Back to the Land Movement of the 1970s. For I was one of those who was looking to create a self-reliant lifestyle by living off the land. In honesty, I had a dream but not much of a plan.

Today’s Back to the Land movement is an entirely different landscape. Today’s farmers in Vermont have a framework of Sustainable Agriculture which has been developed and marketed to the envy of all other states. A fascinating study of how we got here and where we are now is well documented in 'Greening Vermont, The Search for a Sustainable State' by Elizabeth Courtney and Eric Zencey."

This article focuses on Doug and Stacy in Missouri who have a very informative channel OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY that provides a great deal of information on a variety of topics including building raised beds, how to save seeds, and keep bee hives. They also host an annual conference. They tried the popular Back to Eden method of growing food but found that raised beds are far superior.

Former City Folks Live Like Amish Now

NEVER BEFORE SEEN FOOTAGE |10 years living OFF GRID in this TINY HOME is a tour of the home and 11 acres of Doug and Stacy, former city folks who are now happy living off the land. They advise people to take everything one step at a time. They live near the Amish in Missouri. The Amish live in 31 states in the US. Doug says he has been told by the Amish that he is now “more Amish than the Amish” now!

Her Garden produced food, flowers, and these strange veggies is a 2020 tour of Stacy’s garden. The amount of food Stacy’s organic garden produces is immense. She ferments vegetables for the winter.

Stacy’s garden is seen on the left in the photo below. Stacy teaches classes about gardening. Because they work in the garden most days, Doug and Stacy have the strength and flexibility of 20-year-olds!

The COMPLETE raised bed gardening video | building - filling – benefits is a demonstration by Doug on how to create an optimal raised bed. Doug has a horse and buggy that he uses in case there is a gas shortage! They are completely off grid and totally independent. Many of their clothes and much of their furniture was created by the Amish. Doug says his compost is “OMRI certified”. OMRI stands for “Organic Materials Review Institute”. Doug explains that he and Stacy host the Homesteading Life Conference every August in Missouri. The conference has other great presenters and workshops.

In The RAISED BED gardening trick YOU NEED TO KNOW!, Stacy explains how she saves lots of seeds from many plants – enough to give some away.

Stacy shares her secret weapon to keep cats, rabbits, birds, and deer from eating her plants. Instead of chicken wire, Stacy puts a plastic netting over the soil in the raised beds. She shows how she raises the netting as the plants grow. If you subscribe to Doug and Stacy’s channel, you can learn many more tips – including about bee hiving!

Create Food Forest Abundance

Del Bigtree, host of The Highwire, met with Jim Gale of Food Forest Abundance. See their discussion at CREATING ABUNDANCE IN YOUR BACKYARD. “Jim Gale is the founder of Food Forest Abundance, a landscape design service that specializes in personal sustainable agriculture gardens. He helps Del design and plant a “food forest” on the ICAN campus for The Highwire team to have their own low-maintenance, self-sufficient fruit and vegetable garden and learn how you can build your own ‘food forest’.”

"We help families achieve an organic, healthy, and sustainable lifestyle by installing gardens and Edible Landscapes. Perfect for suburban yards, balcony gardens, retirement villages, community gardens, and small urban properties. We transform ordinary spaces into beautiful, food-producing landscapes. Custom Foodscaping provides consultation, design, and installation services to help you realize your goals. We love to work with all types of institutions including schools, universities, hospitals, hotels, homeowner associations, community centers, and restaurants.”

Turn Your Lawn Into A Low-Maintenance Edible Landscape

Start To Grow Food Not Lawns includes a video which explains that fruit trees and bushes could be planted in small city parks across America to provide abundant fresh, local food for communities.

Seven Layers of a Forest Garden

The Food Forest site says:

Become Self-Sufficient With A Food Forest

A food forest is a diverse planting of edible plants that attempts to mimic the ecosystems and patterns found in nature. Food forests are three-dimensional designs, with life-extending in all directions. Food Forests are low-maintenance, sustainable, plant-based food production and self-sufficient system incorporating fruit and nut trees, shrubs, herbs, vines, medicinal herbs, and perennial vegetables which have yields directly beneficial to humans.

Nature grows in a highly-optimized pattern, utilizing multiple layers and making the most of both horizontal and vertical space. Generally, we recognize seven layers of a forest garden – the overstory, the understory, the shrub layer, the herbaceous layer, the root layer, the ground cover layer, and the vine layer. Some also like to recognize the mycelial layer, layer eight (mushrooms). Using these layers, we can fit more plants in an area without causing failure due to competition.

Permaculture and Biophilia

The Food Forest site adds:

“Robert Hart, a pioneer of forest gardening in the UK said: 'Few of us are in a position to restore the forests, but tens of millions of us have gardens or access to open spaces where trees can be planted and new city forests can arise.'"

Through Hart’s observations of the complex relationships and interactions in his woodland forest garden, he developed a 7-layered model of forest gardens:

  1. Canopy layer that consists of tall fruit and nut trees.
  2. Lower tree layer of dwarf fruit and nut trees.
  3. Shrub layer of fruit bushes such as currants and berries.
  4. Herbaceous layer of culinary/medicinal herbs, companion plants, bee- and poultry-loving plants.
  5. Ground cover of edible plants that function as a living mulch.
  6. Rhizosphere layer that consists of root crops.
  7. Vertical layer of vines and climbers.

The site points out:

Bill Mollison, whom many consider the founding father of permaculture, visited Hart at his forest garden in Wenlock Edge….forest gardens became one of the key concepts in permaculture. Food forests integrate permaculture, agriculture, ecology, biology, and other natural living sciences….that can help us engage in regenerative garden design. A diverse community of life can grow in a small space. “Biophilia” developed by the late professor of social ecology, Stephen Kellert, suggests that Food Forests can regenerate urban spaces through sustainable food production and can help us transform the ways in which we live in the world.”

High-Performance Garden Show

Visit The Living Farm.

High Performance Garden Show (

Week 0-Introduction

“This year's High-Performance Garden Show focuses on stopping the garden struggle and on manufacturing your health. We hope to change the way people are eating to the root of our degenerative diseases and start to heal people, to show people how easy it is to grow their own food, add enjoyment to their nutrient-dense life and give them skills to pass down to the next generation.”

Lynn is the author of High Performance Gardening: The most fun, productive and organic gardening experience you will ever have!

David The Good: The Survival Gardener

Edible Gardens

The film on the Edible Gardens site shows that small plants are available at some grocery stores.

Edible Garden - Make Every Leaf Count from Edible Garden on Vimeo.

Urban Garden Revolution

Dr. Vandana Shiva says: "Urban Gardens are the greatest revolution today.” She urges everyone to save heirloom (not hybrid) seeds. She says the quantity doesn’t matter. It’s the principle. My Urban Gardens Revolution site shows that even people who have no land can easily grow a variety of nutritious sprouts.

Originally posted here:

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