Thursday, May 13, 2021

The benefits of yoga: standing, sitting, twists, forward bends, reclining, inversions, backbends

Standing poses: building the foundation for all poses

Before exploring advanced yoga postures is advised to first master a strong foundation of standing postures, legs, and feet are the foundations of every posture. The standing postures build strong healthy bones, remove stiffness in the joints and spine, and improve muscle tone. They improve circulation, help maintain a healthy digestive function, strengthen the nervous system and help develop stamina. They improve overall posture, as bad posture happens because of physical weakness and mental exhaustion. When our back is haunched and rounded, the chest compresses, and the heart and lungs don’t function as well as they could, in the long term can contribute to heart problems, lower your self steam and confidence as your solar plexus chakra is crushed.
With the practice of standing postures, the spine is stabilized without sucking or tensing the stomach, the organs are held in proper alignment and this prevents pelvic inflammations, disorders of the reproductive organs, and menstrual problems.
Any yoga posture can be easily mastered once every cell of our body has fully memorized the correct action of the standing postures. From sitting postures and twists to backbends and inversion they all require strong legs, feet, and core in order to fully benefit from the asanas, which are learned through a regular and consistent practice of standing postures.

Sitting postures and twists: Finding your center

Modern living has taken us to sit on chairs, work on desks, and driving cars, all of these have contributed to the hips becoming tight and inflexible and the knees and ankles becoming stiff, also the spine and back become weaker.
Sitting postures and twists require a wide range of motion in the pelvic, knees, and ankle joints to improve flexibility.
Sitting postures are very helpful at the time of menstruation as they relieve the symptoms of premenstrual fluid retention in the legs, and when combined with forward bends they can reduce abdominal cramps, migraine headaches, low back pain, and fatigue. When combined with a twist they relieve abdominal bloating and a variety of other menstrual symptoms including nausea and blowback pain. Sitting posture has a cooling effect on the mind making it easier to draw inwards and meditate.
Twists strengthen the internal reproductive organs and are recommended when struggling with menstrual disorders, malfunctioning of the endocrine glands, and obesity. The functioning of the liver is boosted with twisting poses as the liver converts potential toxic forms of estrogen into safer forms of estrogen and it removes metabolic waste created by the body as well as environmental toxins. Spinal rotation is like wringing out a wet towel; the stagnant blood and lymphatic fluid are squeezed out from around the abdominal area, when the pose is released the musculature relaxes again, and fresh blood floods into the area to bathe and renourish it. Twist also improves digestion.

Seated forward bends: inducing quietness to a busy mind

With forward bends we get in touch with the quiet and reflective aspects of our consciousness. They calm the mind and soothe the nerves and remove fatigue. They remove abdominal hardness and tension, when the correct action is applied they relax the abdominal organs and bring in suppleness, helps prevent fibroids and benefit those with oligomenorrhea and hypomenorrhea by increasing the blood supply to the ovaries and uterus and by relieving mental stress. Additionally reduces the possibility of irregular periods or an excessively heavy or prolonged menstrual flow also seated forward bends are helpful when struggling with constipation or suffering from digestive issues. The regular practice of these develops flexibility and fluidity of the mind and body.

Reclining poses: Restoring all layers of your being


Modern living causes exhaustion, mental illness, and physical sickness, it compromises our immune system. So taking care of ourselves can be a struggle at times. Restorative yoga doesn’t need to be for long to completely leaving you feeling refreshed and replenish your energy, it can be as simple as a 10 min savasana.
In restorative each posture is deeply therapeutic and helps to release tension, they are powerfully nurturing as they are held for longer than most other postures as the body is supported with props. They cool down an agitated mind, reduce stress levels and blood pressure, rest the nervous system and enable the immune and endocrine system to function more efficiently.
Recalling poses can be practiced actively or passively, depending on the desired outcome. For example, the practice of supta baddhakonasana when practiced in a restful way can ease menstrual dysfunctions such as excessive heavy menstrual flow or cramps. Surrendering fully to each pose and discover for yourself what they have to teach you.

Inversions: Rejuvenate

We pass our waking hours in an upright position where gravity exerts a downward pull on our bodies, which contributes to the aging process. It is said that raging can be reversed by practicing inversions as they promote good health and longevity. If you struggle with mental tiredness and or bad mood, invert as it refreshes the mind and shakes off bad vibes, also calms the nerves and sleep becomes more soundly, revitalizes the organs and fortifies the digestive system, keeps the bowels regular, and boosts the immune system. It gives the legs a complete rest keeping varicose and veins at bay.
The most profound effect of inversions occurs via the endocrine system, the health and stability of the hormonal cycle throughout the month depends on the balanced interaction of various endocrine glands with each other and with the nervous system. With inversions the blood is encouraged to flow around the major glands in the head and neck, irrigating them with nourishment, so these changes in the circulation help to regulate hormone balance by more efficiently transporting hormonal messages around the body, it strengthens the reproductive system and keeps menstrual problems at bay.

Backbends: Open the heart

Backbends lift the spirit, open the chest and heart, and directs the mind outward. It shakes off depression making us feel positive and full inside, they keep the spine supple and promote youthfulness, vitality, and energy. Backbends energize the reproductive system, restore menstruation when it has stopped, amenorrhea can be caused by the inability to process strong emotions blocking energy flow to our sacral chakra, the release of tension in the pelvic area increasing the blood flow that provides oxygen and nutrients to the uterus, ovaries, and the fallopian tubes, also release blocked energy, and activates dormant sexual energy, and reduces the likelihood for cramps or other menstrual problems.

  • The knowledge I got over the years from my own practice and the teachings below:
    BKS and Geeta Iyengar Teachings.
    The book: Light on Yoga.

  • Julies Hodges teachings: Putney Iyengar center, London.

  • Yog-Ganga: India.

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A shout out to @lotusshares, much gratitude for your support on Moon journal blog post. All of you who haven't yet checked it out, go ahead, is a blog post packed with wise knowledge.

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