Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Take your Yoga and Meditation practice as a real refuge in your life - Lotus for Yogis


Take your Yoga and Meditation practice as a real and healthy refuge for your life.

There are millions of millions of people who at some point take refuge in many specific activities to find an escape from the vicissitudes of life. Many take refuge in overwork, television or video games, others take refuge in alcohol or drugs, there are also those who take refuge in other vices such as gambling or pleasures that end up being harmful (note, I am not saying that all of them are, especially in moderation).

When we resort to substances that "isolate" us for a few hours of reality and make us "forget" we believe that we are in front of the solution, until at some point, the effect passes and we realize that nothing has changed after that. We have avoided reality for a few minutes, maybe hours, but then everything remains the same and we have not recognized anything that is happening in us that is causing us unhappiness, pain or some kind of suffering. It seems more like through these false shelters, we do not evade the world, but how we feel in the world... we evade ourselves, what we think, what we feel and what we desire.

This evasion does not allow us to know ourselves deeply and to heal the wounds that are in us for whatever reason.

When the approach changes and the refuge we use, shows us how we are, how we feel, how we think, how we respond to internal and external situations, there is no more evasion. And if, in addition, we add the wonderful -acceptance- of the negativity within us, which I talk about in this post, then we have not only eradicated avoidance but we also begin to diminish our internal struggle and thus, suffering, pain and the causes of unhappiness.

Therefore, let us take into account our spiritual practices not as ways to avoid what happens to us but as a real refuge where we can use these tools for self-knowledge and self-healing.

We must break the habit of escaping from ourselves. We want peace, security, happiness and joy, and we don't know how to get it. The refuge of mindfulness practice (in any form) is our path. It gives us confidence to overcome our difficulties. We can breathe ourselves in our conscious breathing, or in our performance of postures consciously. Then we will have true peace, we will be available to make contact with the present moment and the wonders that this moment presents to us. We will be truly present for our children, our partners, our parents, our friends and also for the rest of the people who may need us in society.

And so, in celebration of yogis on HIVE this week! This Yogi get a 5 percent beneficiary this week - @katherinevc For her great post about Pranayama I: Yogic breathing to relax.
Thank you for sharing @katherinevc!

In this post, @katherinevc She talks about the complete yogic breathing, which is characterized by breathing with the whole lungs, including the clavicles, rib cage and abdomen (three parts). . She tells us:

Yogic breathing or complete breathing, is a more common pranayama technique in a yoga session, it is a breathing exercise that works through the 3 types of breathing (Abdominal, thoracic and clavicular), which allows us to use all of our lung capacity helping us to obtain maximum oxygenation in a single inhalation, it is very beneficial in moments of fatigue, tension or mental dispersion and helps us maintain self-control.

If you want to read her full post, here you have it. In both languages; Spanish and English.

I wish you can appreciate this post fully and learn the complete yogic breathing, which is a VERY important, simple and useful technique for our daily life.

Thank you so much @katherinevc for sharing it with us.

Interesting in meeting more yogis on HIVE?

Every week we are getting to know more and more and we will be adding them to this list of Active Yogis in the #Hive and #Naturalmedicine community.

The community is getting stronger! Here's a few: @constgaladriel, @iliyan90, @lizbetcontreras, @riverflows, @yogajill, @moonyoga, @daltono, @yanirauseche, @flowerbaby, @vicnzia, @millycf1976, @karmadorje, @omarrojas, @yusmi, @joebrochin, @iliyan90, @alicewonderyoga, @howtobelight, @wolfofnostreet, @madefrance, @mar343, @katherinevc, @cronosclocks, @aguilaazul7777, @jomarbym, @samuelsanchez07 and @mariakekin
Are you a yogi? Drop us your favourite thing about the practice below for a chance to win a tip from Natural Medicine!

Natural Medicine is supportive of yoga posts on HIVE, so keep using the #yoga and #naturalmedicine tags and we will award excellent content where we can. We plan to publish at least once a fortnight and set beneficiaries for bloggers who post excellent #yoga content. Drop the link below to guarantee I'll see it!

My name is @karmadorje, I am a practitioner and teacher of Ashtanga Yoga and Meditation from Venezuela, I currently reside in the city of Buenos Aires Argentina, and if you want to know more about my classes you can write me here
See you next week!


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