Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Pregnancy Symptoms : 15 early signs that maybe you are pregnant


Pregnancy is a major phenomena in every woman’s life. It’s a beautiful feeling as well as a huge responsibility to keep your baby safe and help your baby to grow. But , to know without a diagnostic test that if you are pregnant or not , you have to be watchful with certain symptoms which indicates a green signal to your pregnancy. To know whether you are pregnant or not , You have to have keen observation power, then only you would be able to understand the condition as early as possible.

From when you should look for symptoms?

Based on your last menstrual period , your pregnancy is to be calculated. The 1st week of your pregnancy is considered after the last menstrual period. Date of expected child delivery is calculated by considering the first day of your last period. For not knowing the exact starting time of pregnancy , the symptoms of pregnancy may not show at the first week of pregnancy.

Symptoms of Pregnancy:

Abdominal cramps & spotting during the initial stage - during the first months of pregnancy, the zygote (fertilised ovum) creates a group of cells through random cell division , which is called blastocyst. This blastocyst will get implanted in the wall of the uterus within 10-14 days of pregnancy. This implantation can cause bleeding, which is a minor bleeding as compared to menstrual period. This is called spotting and during this time you can feel uterine cramps or abdominal pain.

Sign & symptoms of spotting -

  • Missed period - once the zygote gets implanted in the uterus, your body will start releasing pregnancy hormone which is called HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone. HCG hormone blocks the ovulation (release of ovum from ovary) , therefore, blocks menstruation throughout the pregnancy as well. But , sometimes , some women get periods within pregnancy but its rare & for a very short period.
  • Elevated body temperature - in early pregnancy days, you may experience elevated body temperature every day after getting up from the bed , in the morning. Or , even at the time of exercise or in hot weather your basal body temperature will get elevated. You should drink more water and keep yourself healthy.
  • Fatigue / tiredness - due to increased levels of progesterone hormone , you will feel tired. This is a very common symptom of early pregnancy. You should get adequate sleep in this early days pregnancy to cope up with changes of pregnancy . Try not to take any stress as it may harm your sleep cycle.
  • Tachycardia (increased heart beat) - after , 2 months of pregnancy you may feel that your heart is beating faster & harder. This condition of faster heart rate than usual is called tachycardia , which is a normal phenomena of pregnancy. Hormonal changes of pregnancy are responsible for this condition. If you have any cardiac issues from before the beginning of pregnancy then you should tell this to your treating Gynecologist , he / she may make changes in dosage of your medication.
  • Breast changes - breast changes are evident between 4-8 weeks of pregnancy . women’s breasts get swollen & tender due to hormonal changes. Around 3 months of pregnancy the nipple & areola of breasts become more pigmented. This change is more predominant in dark women. Montgomery’s tubercles (small bump like structures which are basically oil glands around the dark area of nipple) get more prominent . A thick yellowish secretion can also be found. This time you should wear comfortable loose bras so that your breast gets space for growth. Try to avoid friction to breasts.
  • Mood swings - due to alteration of hormones like estrogen & progesterone there will be attention of moods as well. You may feel more emotional than usual. Mood swings may trigger depression , anxiety , irritability & sometimes it helps to reach euphoria.
  • Frequent urination - frequent urination / micturition is key characteristics of pregnant mothers after 2 months of pregnancy. It happens due to enlargement of the uterus which creates pressure over the bladder and changes due to maternal osmoregulation. Hormonal changes are also responsible for this to happen.
  • Constipation - constipation is very common in pregnancy. Bloating can also occur at this time.
  • Morning sickness - after one month of pregnancy women develop morning sickness. At this time women who are at this early pregnancy experience nausea & vomiting after getting up in the morning. Loss of appetite can also be experienced .
  • Hypertension & dizziness - high / normal blood pressure in pregnancy will drop in the early stages of pregnancy. At this time blood vessels get dilated and as a result of it you may experience dizziness. You should drink enough water this time of early pregnancy . You can also do the right exercises to regulate your blood pressure.
  • Smell sensitivity - in early pregnancy days, most of the women experience smell sensitivity. It may result in nausea & vomiting.
  • Weight gain - you may gain weight during early stages of your pregnancy. You may gain upto 2 kg of weight in the first few months of pregnancy . although the calorie intake requirement is not much at this time, there is increased demand for calories afterwards.
  • Heartburn - valve between your stomach & esophagus gets relaxed due to hormonal effect. For this relaxation of valves the acid of the stomach reaches to the esophagus sometimes. This can cause heartburn.
  • Pregnancy acne - due to hormonal changes or increased level of estrogen you will have glow in face & skin. The increased level of blood pressure , increased level of hormones lead to enhancement of oil glands gives you a flushed , glossy appearance, you may develop acne.

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/health/@riyasingh/pregnancy-symptoms-15-early-signs

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