Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Perspective | With Love No. 1

Can you imagine how weird it must feel to have your very first tooth poking out? All you’ve ever known is smooth soft gums. Then suddenly everything hurts for a while, and pop! Pokey tooth.

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Isn’t it such a relief to consider someone other than yourself?

When Wren made me a mom, I felt really comfortable. It was easy for me. I loved it all. Crying meant he was communicating. Middle of the night feeds and messy diapers meant he was healthy and growing.

I have certainly had overwhelming moments that leave me feeling resentful and exhausted in every way. I’m a human.

But, mostly I remember those first-time-mom moments as incredibly precious. No one else but me and my baby up in the middle of the night.


When Wren was four months old he developed a severe rash. It was the first major struggle I had as a mother.

Can you imagine how hard it must be, to be a baby?

We eventually overcame the rash. And we've overcome every difficult situation since.

(healing salve recipe here, and video here)

Our babies face difficult situations every minute of the day - and with a smile on their face! Or sometimes not.

Isn't that inspiring?

They struggle to gain control of their hands, and then they get it. They struggle through the pain of getting teeth, and then they have them. They struggle seeing mom leave the room, and they gain resilience. They struggle with learning how to sleep, and then they know how. They struggle to stand and walk, and then they can run and jump.

Isn’t it so interesting how situations that seem really hard in the moment, usually end up being something to be thankful for later on?

With love,

🌹I write these little things and so I thought I'd share them here with you, too. I decided to call this collection #withlove. Because, well, they are my deeper thoughts and feelings. I will continue to post my main Alexander Farm article every Friday. 🌹

Originally posted here:

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