Monday, May 10, 2021

MOON JOURNAL - Causes of lack of menstrual period or amenorrhea

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When we talk about women's health we must always prioritize the possible stages through which our body may go through, this prevents us from stress in the future and also teaches us to deal with adverse situations to the current one. The absence of the menstrual period is usually called amenorrhea and the most common cause is pregnancy, however, this is not the only cause.

You may not have experienced a complete absence of your period at some point in your life, but knowing all this information will benefit you if it should ever happen. Our body always speaks to us, and whatever we do on the outside will be reflected on the inside.

First we must make sure that our intimate health is good, since different diseases can also be the cause of amenorrhea. Once we rule out all of them, is when we must make a thorough inspection of our daily habits, to find the root of the 'problem'.

Stress is the protagonist most of the times that women usually present absence of menstruation, the overload of this 'emotional tension' is the most common factor in amenorrhea, therefore, leading a less hectic and more present life can be a solution. I don't know if it has happened to you, but when sometimes we are subjected to a minimum of stress, menstruation is often delayed for a few days or even a month.

Take care of your mental health and also learn to organize your days, projects and activities a little more to avoid falling into stress. Meditation and yoga help to slow down.

Being underweight also contributes to absence. In fact, I believe that having a bad diet really affects everything, because having it can cause various conditions to our overall health. Lack of some nutrients, eating less or displacing meals can cause amenorrhea, but it can also cause dysmenorrhea, we have already talked about it in the previous post.

So the best thing will always be to take care of everything we ingest, it is not about living in a strict regime or a suffocating diet. Simply know how to eat intuitively and well. In addition, maintaining a healthy weight is of utmost importance for our health, there is fat that is healthy, which protects us in one way or another from suffering other conditions.

Physical activity in extreme excess. Each body is different, we have already pointed out that this could also cause incessant pain when we have our menstrual period, but it can also cause the opposite, the absence of it. Many women who dedicate their lives fully to training are very often affected by this, as their workouts are mixed with an excessively strict diet.

Hormonal imbalance also plays a role in this, as it may be the case that some women last without bleeding for more than 4 months and come the 5th month they may suffer from a very severe bleeding. A hormonal imbalance can be caused by polycystic ovary syndrome.

And lastly, if you take birth control pills, when you stop using them you may have some sort of amenorrhea because your body is detoxing from excess hormones, it is cleansing itself and this can really take some time. Therefore it is very important to know different contraceptive methods and take the one that best benefits your female health.

Relatively we should take care of ourselves very carefully, nutrition, mental health and rest will always play an important role in our female health. Our menstrual cycle is designed to teach us about ourselves, as a means of spiritual transformation and a cleansing mechanism, therefore, taking care of it and attending to it is an act of spirituality and consciousness.

Amenorrhea occurs in the vast majority of pregnant women, however, there are known cases of women who continued throughout their pregnancy with regular bleeding.

You should always make a good study of your habits and determine if they are beneficial for you in both your physical and mental health. Sometimes we are discouraged to change some behaviors for healthier ones, because we believe that we are not really doing harm to anyone externally, but we must always measure if we are doing harm to ourselves internally.

We will meet again, Daniela. xx

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On this occasion I would like to award 5% beneficiary to @moonyoga for her wonderful post about the moon and astrology, linked to our emotions and teachings.

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This means: Sacred Feminine

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