Monday, May 17, 2021

Enhance Testosterone Naturally

There are several ways known to me by which men can naturally enhance the production of the "male" hormone, which is a quite important thing for the wellbeing and overall health of male mental and physical bodies. Men whose levels of testosterone are low are easily irritable. Low testosterone can even result in loss of hair, belly fat, prostate enlargement, liver damage, erectile dysfunction, and infertility, therefore "toxic masculinity" should be erased from the dictionary of every person on the face of the earth. Instead, boys and young men should be taught to exercise every day and be extremely picky when it comes to food selection. Alright, here are some ways to naturally enhance the testosterone levels:

a) quit eating food that contains flax, soy, and sugar. Groceries that contain mentioned ingredients cause estrogen levels to skyrocket, which feminizes men. Sugar, on the other hand, will not only feminize you but also lower the Ph of your organism, making it fertile soil for all kinds of deadly diseases. You may even go a step further and entirely avoid milk (and milk products, such as cheese).

b) fasting: has quite fascinating effects. For example, it lowers anger, tension, and confusion, but it increases vigor, daytime concentration (and testosterone levels). It will save you both, money and time needed to prepare meals, so, in my opinion, men that want to experience the maximum of their physical potential should definitely be practicing OMAD (one meal a day), and occasionally fast for 48 to 72 hours (once per month, at least).

c) Moderate your diet, or even better, go KETO. Increase your cholesterol levels, and do not go on a low-FAT diet, because cholesterol is a precursor to testosterone. Moderate protein intake levels, 'cause too high levels of protein intake will spike insulin, which causes hormonal disbalance. Carbs should be entirely avoided, except those found in non-starchy vegetables, such as asparagus, broccoli, etc. Frequently consume foods that are rich in Zinc, which is the essential trace mineral for the maintenance of healthy testosterone levels. Vitamin D is also essential, so expose yourself to the sun, just avoid hours when UV radiation is high.

d) Exercise: high-intensity interval training significantly increases testosterone levels. For example, only 30 seconds of sprint per day increases testosterone levels by an astonishing 450%. It will also lower your mental stress, making you overall healthier, and happier.

e) Getting enough sleep ensures healthy hormone levels, including testosterone. Poor quality or lack of sleep in general boosts cortisol that throws off testosterone levels.

f) Tap water is a big NO-NO for every man that wants to preserve health! Either filter your water or find a natural spring! Mineral-carbonated water is a great choice, as long as the Ph is 7 or higher!


Originally posted here:

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