Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Red wine to maintain health


Grapes are one type of fruit that is liked by all people, including children. Its bright color and distinctive taste and nutritional content which is very beneficial for health make us more interested in consuming it either directly or processed into juice. This sweet, slightly sour fruit is also enriched with vitamin C, B6, A and vitamin K.


Grapes have a variety of colors depending on the variety cultivated, there are blue, red, yellow, and green. This oval-shaped fruit that grows on the branches of the trunk, according to circulating news, was introduced to Indonesia in the 17th century.


Red grapes are a delicious fruit that is low in calories. Not only provide a lot of nutrition, but also keep us from various serious diseases.

The following are some of the benefits for the health of the body.

Protect the heart

This fruit, which gets its red color from flavonoids, has been shown to be effective in protecting the heart from disease. Flavonoids prevent the formation of blood clots and oxidation, and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Red grape skin is made of anthocyanins, which protect the heart. Not only the flesh, red grape skin extract is said to improve the performance of blood vessels, after being used for 30 days.

Brain health

Another benefit of red wine is that it is healthy for the brain. A study showed that participants who consumed red wine improved the function of the hippocampus, the part of the brain that is responsible for remembering.

Beautiful skin

Red wine contains resveratrol, which is known to nourish and even beautify your skin. Please note, the antioxidants in red wine, called 50 times more powerful than vitamin E, and 20 times more powerful than vitamin C.

Lose weight

Not containing high calories is a benefit of red wine that people who are on a diet will definitely like. Half a cup of red grape juice contains only 23 calories. This sweet fruit is actually a source of high nutritional content.

A study states, resveratrol contained in red wine can help reduce weight, when muscles use a lot of energy to move.

Relieve knee pain nyeri

A study in the United States confirmed the following benefits of red wine. Regular consumption of red wine can prevent knee pain, especially if it is triggered by osteoarthritis.
The joints will be more flexible in moving, because red wine contains polyphenols. In addition, red wine helps lower uric acid levels which can cause knee pain.

Good for eye health

If you want to have healthy eyes, red grapes can be the solution. This is because red wine can increase protective proteins in the retina and can prevent oxidative stress. The content of flavonoids in red wine can prevent cataracts.

Boost immunity

If your immune system is not good, consuming red wine can be the right answer. Because the content of resveratrol is high, it can naturally boost immunity.

Fight inflammation

There are two types of inflammation, namely acute and chronic inflammation. Red wine contains enzymes that can fight both types of inflammation.
This inflammation is known as a source of dangerous diseases, including cancer and heart disease. Resveratrol has a duty to prevent it.

Contains potassium

Every 100 grams of red wine contains 191 mg of potassium. Eating fruits with high potassium content can prevent high blood pressure and heart health.

Antibacterial and antiviral

Red wine can protect you from many viruses and diseases. Because the antibacterial and antiviral content in red wine is very high. No wonder, red wine is often used to fight various diseases, such as polio virus and herpes.

Improve kidney performance

Red wine can lower uric acid levels in your body. Acid is removed from the body and ultimately reduces the workload of the kidneys. This is expected to help prevent kidney disease.

Fighting neurodegenerative diseases

The content of resveratrol in red wine has been proven to fight diseases such as Alzheimer's. Antioxidants in this fruit, help the body to prevent the emergence, red wine is also believed to be able to improve the performance of the brain in remembering.

Prevent and fight cancer

The content of resveratrol in red wine can protect the skin from UV rays of the sun and keep it from skin cancer. The researchers also found that resveratrol was able to protect the body from radiation while undergoing cancer treatment.

Relieves asthma symptoms

The next benefit of red wine is to relieve asthma symptoms. Red wine is considered to have a therapeutic effect that can relieve symptoms of the disease. Because red wine is believed to increase humidity in the lungs, which in turn can relieve asthma symptoms. However, the benefits of red wine on this one should not be taken for granted, because there is no scientific research that can support it.source


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