Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Life in paradise far from the madness of the world – come visit if you can

Life on the southernmost coastline of the African continent can be really beautiful if you find the right perspective or point of view. The world may be going mad and the future may be totally uncertain, but today I can find a point of view that is blissful and panoramic. To get away from the drama of the day, I enjoy going hiking along the clifftops and down to the rocky beach near my home. Even in winter here way down south, the outdoor scenery is uplifting and inspiring so I’m sharing it here with you today.


Life is currently the most uncertain it has ever been in my lifetime of over 50 years. The entire globe is under the influence of serious concerns, but on the ground my life is filled with beauty and good health. My surroundings are a source of uplifting sights and I just have to walk outside to find it.
In these photos you can see the abundant pink indigenous flowers on the succulent local plant life at the sea shore. This is a little bit of paradise just within walking distance of my rental and I have the whole place to myself because no one else seems to have the same inclination as me to explore it.

Some days life can fill our heads with stress or worry about the present as well as the future, but the present is still beautiful on the ground when surrounded by nature. Not all places on earth are as gentle and life supporting, and in times like we have today on earth, suddenly the simple free gifts of nature appear so much more valuable. Cash flow is drying up for many as the man-made crisis evolves. Luxuries are a thing of the past. But the best things in life are still free. Good health is free for me personally. All I have to do is go for a walk in the garden of nature that has spontaneously manifested here on the African coast over the past millennia.


All the health and well being I need is present here. And all the fresh air and social distancing is available since there are no people here. I have the place to myself as usual. If you’re in a city now, you may be feeling the stress far worse than the rest of us. You are in crowded situations with mass hysteria pumped into your newsfeed about some pandemic. None of that exists here on my remote shoreline home. It’s all a distant rumor.

Peace and good health are all that we really need in life because they are the foundation upon which we can build our project called “finding the goal of life”. And the goal of life is an internal one, totally within your reach because it’s internal. All you need are the right circumstances and surroundings that are conducive to going within. And they are free, if you have planned well.


By finding a peaceful and quiet place like I have here in nature, anyone can sit down and still the mind. In this condition one can cultivate peace and happiness, which are the building blocks to good health. Removing stress and toxic atmosphere – whether literal or figurative pollution – is all it takes to return to a natural state of contentment.

I may not be able to travel the world any more since there are now vaccine police at most borders, but I am able to find the best that the planet has to offer right outside my doorstep here on the south coast of Africa. You can do the same wherever you are by going into nature. You will find good health and peace of mind all waiting for you. Go and grab as much of it as you like for free.


Things like this which we took for granted and which we neglected because modern living based on tech had overtaken our lives and lifestyles, is now all freely awaiting you outdoors. And as the other fabricated luxuries fall away and the other castles in the air around which we had built our lives all begin to crumble, it pays to be situated in nature in a remote part of the planet. How the tide has turned.


My secret to a blissful and healthy life is “simple living and high thinking”. Keep it simple and tap in to the free gifts of nature, all while having a philosophical perspective on life as we find it at present. You may never make it to the southernmost coastline of Africa now that the planet is at war with itself, so find your own source of life-sustaining nature wherever you are and tap in to that. If you do ever get to travel again one day, then feel inspired to come look me up and I will show you around the paradise I call home.

(photos my own)

Originally posted here:

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