Monday, June 14, 2021

I'm a Dustman

"There are those that look at things the way they are,
and ask why?
I dream of things that never were,
and ask why not?"
George Bernard Shaw

I am a wandering stardust on the path of life
and have been for five decades

Today my ego is like that of millions of others
who every day give their opinion
on everything and anything.

I state today that those who recognise themselves
in a fertile folly,
in a rational doubt,
will hear my speech on the right frequency
and will join us!

Whether you are young, old or undecided
Whether you think you are God's gift to the world
or think you are a godforsaken asshole;

Only our certainties will separate us
Only our certainties will bring us together.

These certainties are linked
To our freedom, to our health, to our security
To our future!

How can we be free
if our bodies and minds betray us?

How can we,
Judge, fight and kill
for our individual liberties?

When we are most often prisoners of ourselves!

By fighting with conviction and courage throughout our lives on both fronts,
Our inner prison and by fighting against those who wish to control our bodies and minds.

Who can say, today, that we can individually
stay healthy and free?
When a diseased person at the far end of the planet can potentially kill us and
be responsible for the confiscation of our rights.

Who can say, today, that
poverty, bad habits and stress,
don't open the door to diseases?

And finally, who can say that everything is not linked?
Polluted earth, polluted water,
Polluted minds and bodies!

Where would our Security be, if we did not possess
Neither our Freedom, nor our Health?

I defend the idea, with others, that to solve our civilisation problem
and restore a taste for hope,

We must save, restore, cherish and perpetuate

The Three Diversities!

Biological diversity.
Monetary diversity.
Cultural diversity.

To preserve biological diversity
we must return the Wild to Nature,
clean the soil, purify the water.
The benefits of biodiversity on human health security are undeniable.

The value of monetary diversity
may not be so obvious to everyone.

The economy of morrow must be a scale
that must lead us to collective Well-Being.
Each crossbar represents
a circular energy, a locality, a production,
a power, a trust,
a specific currency.

The growing use of local currencies,
and decentralised currencies
will free us from centralised ones
that give too much power
states and a corrupt banking networks.
Corrupt States and banking networks.

Cultural facts" clothe the soul and the body,
they ensure that the individual belongs to a community,
they reassure, perpetuate traditions
and mark the History.

Cultural facts are built on certainties and
certainties unite or divide.

Cultural diversity undoubtedly creates tensions
between communities.

But it has been demonstrated on many occasions that cultures can also add up.

Nevertheless, a supracultural principle is needed to defend this diversity.

Article 2 of the EU Treaty
reveals a principle that we take for granted

The EU’s founding values are, human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society characterised by pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men.

Originally posted here:

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