Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Hello again dear friends. I hope to find you all filled with joy and many good vibes.

I've feeling a little down lately for many reasons, firts and foremost, last week I had a flare up of my beloved Fibromyalgia plus a pretty busy weekend regarding my work. So, I tried to keep active and not give up to the flare, but this time it was useless, because something else was coming...the flu.


For those of you who don't know what fibromyalgia is, you can sum it up in two words

Chronic Pain

This is the most common symptom of this disease, apart from fatigue and it is not visibly noticeable, which is why most of the time people think that you are making it up. As I said in another post, it is very dificult to overcome the lak of empathy shown by otres to an illness that is cruel in many ways, but becouse you don't see it, you don't believe that is there, not understanding the pain that is inside of the person who has it. Also, living with Fibromyalgia, makes you velnerable to every other disease in the world, becouse your immune system is weak, so, do the math.

Anyways, with the flu, besides the few days leaking through your nose and coughing your lungs out, is this: the pain that goes with it: you feel like every time you sneeze and every time you cough is worth 50 pushups. Your abs get sore and you swear you can feel your bones crying. And once you stop sneezing and coughing and leaking, the pain remains. Terrible, uh?

So, the last few days, I've been just like that, and to make matters a little bit worst, my nose became so irritated that I've been bleading since yesterday. But, not all is bad, since I've learned how to live like this and I'm not alone. My mum made me a Tea with:

Lemon Leafs
Lemon Juice
Guava Leafs


It's a little to much, I'd give you that, and it tastes awfull, to bitter to my taste, but the benefits are wonderful and I'm much better.

The ingredients of this tea have Vitamin C and help to prevent colds and respiratory diseases, and are also filled with antioxidants and help strengthen the immune system. The other benefit of this tea is that desinfects the airways and the lungs. For me, it also helps me to sleep much better and also helps a little bit with the pain becouse it contains an anti-inflamatory agent. So you see, it has a bad taste, but it is worth it.

To make this tea all you have to do is boil some water and infuse for about 10 minutes 2 Guava leafs, 2 Lemnon leafs, 3 Lemongrass leafs, and the juice of 1 large Lemon. My mom also boils the water with the lemon afert she squeeze the juice out, to power up the tea.


I also have learned to make other infusions to manage the flare ups and stay as far away as I can from pharmaceutical aid, and I will share them with you soon.

That's all for today folks! Stay happy and healthy. Blesings to all!

Note: The images are from my mom, and were taken with her cellphone Yezz 4E (hardly)

Cuídate y cuídame.png

Originally posted here:

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