Sunday, May 16, 2021

Lotus Love Sunday Editorial - Deepening Our Connection To Self And The World Around Us!


Hello beautiful folk

What a wonderful week it has been for NaturalMedicine, with so much wonderful content being created and shared within this wonderful community, leading the way in empowering us all and helping us to take back control of our own health and well being.

I am, forever grateful for all of the amazing wisdom and knowledge that has been shared within this community. With so many people sharing their healing, sharing their journeys, inspiring us all to connect deeper with the earth and with ourselves.

This week, each of the posts that I selected have shared some very intimate insights with us, encouraging us to reconnect and to accept, to embrace who we are and the magical earth that we call home.


Can We Please Just Stop Fighting Each Other and Ourselves?

In this powerful post @holisticmom, calls on us to reconnect. To reconnect with each other, with nature and with ourselves. There is so much judgement and division within the world right now, so we really need to focus on reconnecting, remembering and spreading love, not fear.

The people who you attract and have in your life are there for a reason. Yes, some will come and go and that's ok too. Our energy attracts what is needed for us to grow. Whether the people we have in our lives are good for us or bad for us, they can all teach us something. It is up to us to decipher the lesson and find a way to learn from it.



Self-image time, appreciating my 3D avatar and it's many phases | Hora de selfies, apreciando mi avatar 3D y sus distintas facetas

It's funny how we have certain ideas about things, how selfies are mostly seen as a way in which to promote yourself. But what if you are using them to check in with your emotional state, to observe how you are expressing yourself to the outside world. What may on the surface seem like something shallow, can indeed be a doorway into deeper inner reflection. @fenngen, expressed that beautifully in this post.

Some people argue that the spiritual path walks away from vanity and worrying about self-image. I'm in no position to say whether that is correct or not, but for me it's more about balance. You can dedicate some time to vanity but be careful that it doesn't eat you up, making you forget your inner essence.



I Spend The Day In Bed

In this post by @vincentnijman, we get a glimpse into his past, how growing up with a father that suffered with depression really affected his life and the way in which he treats himself. It really highlights how our parents actions, shape our lives and how mush work we need to put in, in order to break those patterns.

This used to be called 'being sick' for a long, long time. It was always my mom who had to call my dad's office to inform them that my dad was ill / sick and couldn't get to work. We didn't really talk about depression at home.
Having this depressed man as a father figure didn't help my confidence. It also strengthened my believe that working life / office live wasn't fun and you needed to focus on things, jobs, et cetera that felt good.


Transcending: Message and Gospel | ENG-ESP

How important it is to trust in ourselves, in our own journey, a journey that will bring us back to who we really are, so that we connect with ourselves on a deeper level. In doing this we also connect more deeply with others. @pavanjr offers wonderful words of wisdom on this journey of deeper understanding.

They live life for pleasure. Are they wrong? Of course they are not. Everyone should live for pleasure. The next question is fundamental to explain the previous one. What is the pleasure you seek? If it is the power to feel the greatest of all, you will be driven to dominate whoever threatens your desires.



Beauty is a state of being

In this post, @freemotherearth remains us about the power in seeing the beauty that surrounds us. In slowing down, observing and taking the time to learn the many teachings that nature has to offer us. She shares some beautiful words from a Navajo Blessingway Prayer.

Embracing nature gives us the opportunity to really know the world around us, as well as an opportunity to know ourselves just as intimately. When we are walking in beauty, synchronicity happens often ~ with ourselves, with each other, with everything in life. This allows us to have a much smoother journey by seeing a clearer picture of what is happening in the present moment.



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Originally posted here:

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