Saturday, May 15, 2021

Lets eat healthy - Life Skills worksheet for Gr 2

It is very important that we eat healthy. It help our body to grow and fight off germs. It is important that we eat a variety of food.

What does 'variety' mean? It means that we eat different types of food that gives us different vitamins. We cannot live only on one type of food.

Lets look at the different groups of food we need to choose from every day.


  1. Look at the different food groups and give two examples of what type of food you will choose to eat from each.
  2. What is your favourite food to eat? And your least favourite?
  3. Why do you think it is better to eat more fruits and vegetables than sweets?
  4. What do you think will happen if you eat a lot of sweets and sugar every day and no vegetables?
  5. Why is milk good for you?
  6. Pretend that you are going to the supermarket - you have to buy food for 2 days. Make a list of which food you will buy and give a reason.
  7. Which one do you think is more healthy to drink. Water or soda?
  8. Find a recipe from a recipe book or on the internet of a dish that you would like to make. Read through it and answer the following questions.

a. Is it a healthy dish or is it just a treat for now and then?

b. What will you need to make the dish?

c. How long will it take to prepare?

d. From which food groups do the ingredients come from?

For fun you can make the dish.

Watch the video for extra information on the food groups.


Originally posted here:

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