Saturday, May 1, 2021

Latest Corona Update - Corona Virus Update of Bangladesh And what to do

Hello everyone,
Hope you all are well ...

Congratulations to all and love from my heart.
Have a nice day all of my friends and who were in HOME that LOCKDOWN

Today I will share a very important message to all of you and also we should learn a lot from this massage so let's go to write to post ...

Today is the topic of my post ঃ Corona Virus Update of Bangladesh And what to do

Let's not be too cautious about this epidemic. I tell you to save the COVID19 from the mask and save it completely.
I tell everyone to be aware. I help everyone in danger as much as I can. Tomorrow I can go to the death procession or you. Let us all abide by all the rules and regulations and live and help save others
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Newly infected


It really feels bad to see this information. How many people are being Newly infected today?

Update Chart Picture




Update Chart Picture

The procession of death does not seem to be diminishing.



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Total attack format

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Let's not know how to use a mask.


Usually, one-time masks have two parts. One-color part and one white part.
The color side is waterproof and the white side acts as an air filter.
Tips 02

And if you find yourself infected with the disease but do not spread to someone else's body, leave the white side on the inside and the colored side on the outside.
Let's all be careful and protect ourselves from germs like coronavirus.

The authenticity of the Hadith of one and a half thousand years ago was matched in China today.

Coronavirus can also spread to our country

Researchers say that outbreaks could kill up to million people worldwide,

Know the two blessings of self-defense

Let us all stay home and keep ourselves healthy,
All those who come from outside, wash their hands with soap for at least twenty seconds and wear masks and protective clothing

How can we be Safe

I have given a lot of important information about this virus and how can be safe...


Italy stops Mamun Marouf from dreaming of a coroner virus that goes hunting but in the meantime, Corona is growing day by day. Meanwhile, in India, cow dung should be cured by eating cow moth, after which people are being attacked. And big doctors all over the world are eating the frost of scientists they can't do anything. Huzzug people, hujug share. Try not to understand them without tension without an ear, they will work. (Kidding)

By the way, let's not talk about Corona.

When I get out of the house I use a mask.

Avoid places that are too public.

From the outside, actually wash your hands with soap and then wash or eat something. The best way to do that is to enter the room as I do.

Those who perform the prayers do 3 times asu, it plays a big role.

Eat more foods like vegetables and water.

If there is a cold, cough or fever then do not consult the doctor immediately.

Do not go now in relation to foreigners.

Those who are exporting or importing goods from outside the country every day, they are clean, clean, and safe.

Avoid yourself a little from the animals. Even if some of the celebrated homes are clean, it is good to look at them with your own safety.

Anything you cook and eat at the right temperature.

Tighten my mind I think I am healthy and will stay. And always pray to God that He will save the whole human race from this danger. Do not know or do not panic.

I have given this post before. I think we still have to be careful. So you will be Reading the bellow part again and everyone will be Save and stay Home.
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Coronavirus is spreading around the world and is on the rise.

Experts are still unsure how the virus spreads from person to person. However, they are advising to take some general precautions.
Experts believe that taking these precautions will reduce the risk of coronavirus infection. What are these warnings? They were highlighted

1. Public transport


It is very important to avoid public transport or take precautions.
Coronavirus can be present on the handle or seat of a bus, train, or any other type of transport.
That is why experts are emphasizing using a mask and getting down from there and cleaning your hands well.

2. Workplace



Even if you use the same desk and computer in the office, there is a risk of virus infection.
Experts say that coronavirus is spread from sneezing and coughing. Coronavirus anywhere for a few hours
May even remain active for up to a few days. Clean the computer, keyboard, and mouse before sitting at the office desk.

3. Public meeting place



Experts suggest avoiding places where people gather more or taking extra precautions.
This includes sports venues, cinema halls, and even religious places.
In Muslim-majority countries like Bangladesh, home caution is advised during Friday prayers.
Saudi Arabia has already stopped performing Umrah.

4. Banks and financial institutions



Many people use a pen when customers go to different banks and financial institutions in Bangladesh.
If a person infected with coronavirus uses the pen, subsequent users are also at risk of coronavirus infection.
That's why you can keep your pen separate. This will reduce the risk of infection.
Infections can also occur from ATM booths that are used to withdraw money. Because many people use the button of ATM booth.

5. Elevator



Another place to get infected with the virus could be a home or office elevator.
Many people are using the elevator button to go to the designated floor when using the elevator.
Hundreds of people are using elevators every day in different office buildings.
If one of them is a patient infected with coronavirus and he touches the fingers of the lift button, there is a possibility of infection.

6. Money



Identifying the presence of various germs in banknotes or money is not new.
Experts even said that various infectious diseases are spread through banknotes.
A group of Bangladeshi researchers said in August last year that they had found the presence of bacteria in Bangladeshi paper notes and coins, which are usually found in feces and urine.
Last month, an initiative was launched in China to disinfect money or banknotes due to the presence of the virus.

Following the recent outbreak of the coronavirus in the country, banknotes have been removed from the market to sterilize the virus and re-disinfected.

7. Exchange greetings



Coronavirus can also be spread through handshakes and hugs.
If the person you are hugging and shaking hands with is infected with coronavirus, it can be transmitted to another person.

Therefore, experts are advising not to shake hands and hug.
Experts say the key is to keep yourself clean.
Do not touch your face without washing your hands. If this is the case there is a risk of virus infection.
Experts say that regular hand washing is very important to prevent infection.

Coronavirus Tips:



What are the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of Covid-19 disease, how severe it is, how widespread and fast it is spreading in which country

The coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, has now been declared a global epidemic by the World Health Organization.
The virus, which causes serious lung disease in humans - previously unknown to scientists - has spread from China to most countries in the world.

What is the virus?



Coronavirus is a contagious virus that has never spread to humans before.
The virus has killed more than four million people worldwide. The number of infected worldwide is close to 6 million. (Information updated June 6)
Another name for the virus is 2019 - NCOV or Novel Coronavirus. It is a type of coronavirus. There are many species of coronavirus, but only six species can be transmitted to humans. However, due to the new type of virus, that number will be seven from now on.
The SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus, which has been spreading in China since 2002, has killed 64 people and infected 6,096 around the world. That too was a kind of coronavirus.

The new disease was initially called by various names, such as: 'China virus', 'Coronavirus', '2019 Encav', 'New virus', 'Mystery virus' etc.
In the second week of February this year, the World Health Organization officially named the disease Covid-19, which is an acronym for Coronavirus Disease 2019.

What are the symptoms of the disease:



In addition to respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, and respiratory problems are the main symptoms.
It attacks the lungs.
Symptoms usually begin with a dry cough and fever, followed by respiratory problems.
It usually takes an average of five days for the symptoms to manifest.

The World Health Organization says the incubation period of the virus lasts up to 14 days. However, according to some researchers, it can last up to 24 days.

When people show symptoms of the virus, more people are more likely to be infected. However, the idea is that people can infect healthy people even when they are not sick.

Since early symptoms are similar to those of the common cold and flu, it is normal to be hesitant to diagnose
Outbreaks of coronavirus have reminded many of the SARS viruses, which killed 74 people in many Asian countries in the early 2000s.
Analysis of the genetic code of the new virus has shown that it is very similar to the SARS virus.

"When we see a new coronavirus, we want to know how serious its symptoms are. The virus is a lot like the flu but not as deadly as the SARS virus," said Mark Ulhaus, a professor at the University of Edinburgh.

Let's all be careful and protect ourselves from germs like coronavirus.

The authenticity of the Hadith of one and a half thousand years ago was matched in China today.

Coronavirus can also spread to our country

Researchers say that outbreaks could kill up to million people worldwide,

Know the two blessings of self-defense

Let us all stay home and keep ourselves healthy,

All those who come from outside, wash their hands with soap for at least twenty seconds and wear masks and protective clothing

I have made two cartoons to warn Corona that we can be careful if we see anything.

If anyone wants to watch, you can watch the video link.

Video 01 link

Subject: Brother's death in Corona-Bangla Cartoon. We need to be more careful.

Video 02 link

Subject: শেষ পর্যন্ত করোনা হলই- Bangla Cartoon

Good Luck to all of you

That's all for now. I'll come with an interesting post again.

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I'm a Traveler, Photographer, and Fashion Designer (Currently I'm the lead head of designer of a multinational company(Buying House).

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I've just started but want to be a successful hivemind.

Thank you to all Hivemians!

"Be easy, Take easy, Think easy and Do easy"


Originally posted here:

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