Monday, May 3, 2021

Ladies, Eat healthy live healthy.


Hello guys let's go medical today!
Mum was sharing with me few days ago how she went to sit in a restaurant to wait for someone. As she sat, she noticed a little girl of about 13-14years old who was the daughter to the food vendor picked up a sizeable plate, dished enough food and sat down to eat.

Just then, two men who sat beside her started talking. One said, "wow! that girl can eat a lot", the other concurred and they went on talking using the little girl as the theme of their discuss. My mum just sat quietly and listened and when she could not take it anymore, she turned to them and said, "please stop talking like that, if this girl is eating well, leave her alone and even encourage her". The statement one of the men made is the main purpose of this piece. He said, " it is not good for a girl child to eat like that, no man would love to marry her". And the other nodded in the affirmative.
lol of cus! I trust my mum. She said she addressed them very well and put them in their place.

Now, true to their words, many of us move with the notion that no man will marry a lady who eat too much. Let me school you.
Medically proven, most women loss more than half pant of blood every month and replace less than a half of the amount lost before another month. Now, the few left who replace either exactly or more than the amount lost are those in rural areas who eat vegetable food and rich farm products and few from the urban who can feed on a balanced diet daily.

The rest are eating little food and more junks. Oh, thanks to instant noodles and canned foods.
When you talk to them, they give the excuse of "I'm watching my weight". Which weight are you talking about?
In the hospital I work before, I realize that women carry the most dangerous diseases than men because their immune system are so weak to fight against diseases.

Ladies, enough of that mentality! Let's eat well and live long. Eating well is different from bad eating habit. eat well and healthy, they is a saying that health is wealth. most reach people today suffer from one sickness to another, if you check it you will realize that the little food they eat is what also contribute to their ill health, so please ladies eat a lot of food.

After my mum sheared this her experience with me I quickly remembered my co-worker from my place of work. she don't like to eat, we at times beg her to eat, can you imagine? when others are eating healthy foods she will prefer buying fried plantain chips and any soft drink that has a lot of sugar inside. is she not killing herself slowly?

And it won't take long she will be crying of belly pains and so on. all this is as a result of unhealthy foods. then I wonder why those men where criticizing the girl they saw eating.
Thank you🙏
by @obrisgold1

Originally posted here:

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